The dark web is not founded by a single individual or organization; it is a part of the internet that exists intentionally hidden and can be accessed only through specific software, such as the Tor browser. The dark web is a result of the development of anonymizing technologies and encryption protocols, which allow users to access websites and services with a higher level of privacy and anonymity compared to the regular internet.

The origins of the dark web can be traced back to the mid-1990s, when researchers and computer scientists at the United States Naval Research Laboratory developed "The Onion Routing" project, which later evolved into what we now know as the Tor network.

The Tor network (short for The Onion Router) is a decentralized network of servers that relays internet traffic through multiple volunteer-operated nodes, making it difficult to trace the origin and destination of data. The layered encryption used by Tor inspired the "onion" metaphor, where multiple layers of encryption resemble the layers of an onion.

The dark web was originally designed with noble intentions, aiming to protect journalists, activists, and whistleblowers from oppressive regimes. However, over time, it has also become a haven for illegal activities due to its anonymity and untraceability, which attracts criminal elements.

It's important to note that while the dark web does host legitimate content and serves essential privacy purposes, it is also associated with illegal activities, black markets, and cybercrime. Accessing the dark web requires caution and responsibility, as engaging in illegal activities can have severe consequences.