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Frequently Asked Questions

Why I cant reply on threads?

NOW Minimum Threads are required to reply

Every member has to post at least 10 minimum threads to reply to a thread.

Start posting your own threads now and then you can reply and access thread content: POST THREAD

Note: All threads are Moderated. Hence, they won't be visible until approved by a staff member.

Posting Crap = Instant BAN

Upgrading your account shall give you a bypass to any such limitations from here: Upgrade Account

:hackerman: We do not promote Leeching! :hackerman:

How to Earn Credits (©️) / Cash ($) ?

Earning on Crax Forum is Back | Earn Crypto NOW!

Cash will be withdrawable into Cryptocurrencies (BTC/USDT)

How to Earn Credits ©️ ?

Post Thread/Resource = 20 ©️
Get Like = 10 ©️

Post Meme = 5 ©️
Reply on your Thread = 2 ©️
Resource Downloaded = 2 ©️

Daily Login = 50 ©️

The Nature of your content shall reflect whether the user likes it or not.
Posting good content and sharing it can boost this.
Use the Side navigation or the hamburger on the left side of the screen to access the memes section.
Posting appropriate and funny content is preferred rather than junk material.
Not following this shall result in a ban typically.
When posting your thread use the Eye Icon in the toolbar [1st option in which there will be the option "Answer the Thread"].
Then enter the LINK or Content that should be hidden.
It should look like this:
View attachment 29556
Hiding your content like this will force the user to reply.

Click on the Dollar Bill in Navigation [For Phones it's under your profile]
View attachment 29558

How to withdraw Cash?

Credits can be cashed out as USDT!

Once you have the min amount and wish to withdraw simply follow these steps:-
  1. Go to the navigation bar:

  2. Click on the "Withdraw" button
  3. Click on the "Payout Request" button
  4. Add your payment method.
  5. Enter the amount
  6. Click on the "Submit" button
  7. The Request will be processed and sent after 7 days!
[20% Tax will be applicable!]
🔗For Additional Queries: Profile Link

Premium Upgrades FAQ

Q) What are the benefits of upgrading my account?
A) You can read all benefits here.

Q) What Payment Methods are accepted?
A) We accept most cryptocurrencies supported by Coinbase Commerce
You may use:
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • USD Coin (USDC)
  • APECoin (APE)
  • DOGECoin (DOGE)
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB)
  • DAI

Q) How long does it take to receive the upgrade?
A) For Ethereum and Bitcoin payments you have to wait for 1 confirmation.

Q) I paid for a rank but I still haven't received it, what to do?
A) Firstly, please wait at least 1 hour after the payment. If you still haven't received it, send a PM to @Thanos Crax with title "Upgrade" and include your purchase order number (7 digit).

Q) I want to get refunded, is that possible?
A) No, that is not possible. All sales are final and we do not provide any kind of refunds.

General Rules

1- Start by respecting all forum members, Insulting ... Is not acceptable
2- Advertising a different community / board is prohibited, doing so will result an permanent ban.
3- Doxing or trying to gather personal information with the intent to harm other members is prohibited, doing so will lead to an permanent ban.
4- Attempting to infect or steal from other members is prohibited, doing so will lead to a permanent ban.
5- Engaging in threatening/insulting Behaviour towards other members is prohibited, doing so will lead to a 7 day suspension.
6- Busing the report function will be punished via a warning to a 3 day posting & shout box suspension.
7- Multi-accounting is strictly prohibited, each member is limited to a single account. Create multiple accounts will void your ability to appeal a ban.
8- Posting child-porn anywhere is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.
9- Posting or using the shoutbox while being on a temporary account to appeal your ban will lead you to a permanent ban.
10- When making giveaways, you must give the winner a reasonable time to claim the price (eg. 24-48 hours).
11- Posting on a scam report you are not directly involved in will receive a warning. Continuing to do so will result in a temporary suspension.
12- Using BB-Codes in the shoutbox is prohibited. Doing so might result in a temporary ban.

Posting Rules

1- Posting tools must be accompanied by a virus total link of all files inside, just scanning the .rar can result in a ban.
3- Posting the same thread in multiple sections is forbidden.
4- Posting of any acc/log/cc/SMTP/shell etc. as plain text is prohibited. You may use pasting services like controlc.com or Throwbin.io.
5- Fake Programs/Bases/Scripts or any false post will be a violation resulting in strict measures.
6- Any links with the intent to generate revenue for traffic or downloads ("cashlinks", shortlinks", affiliate links, etc..") can result in a ban.
7- Leaking any project currently being sold on Crax. pro is prohibited, this does not apply if the leaked post pre-dates the sales thread lead to are prohibited.
8- You are responsible for the content you post, posting infected material and claiming ignorance is unacceptable.
9- More than 3 posts violation can result in a ban.
10- Leech/spam posting is prohibited, this includes posts such as "ty", and "lol" or using only using emojis, which can result in a ban.
11- This is an English board, posting in other languages is permanently prohibited.
13- Posting material that is purposely sexist, racist or generally offensive with the intent to cause harm, can result in a permanent ban.
14- Selling threads are not allowed and will result in a permanent ban

Shoutbox Rules

1- Start by respecting all forum members, Insulting ... Is not acceptable
2- Advertising a different community / board is prohibited, doing so will result an permanent ban.
3- Doxing or trying to gather personal information with the intent to harm other members is prohibited, doing so will lead to an permanent ban.
4- Attempting to infect or steal from other members is prohibited, doing so will lead to a permanent ban.
5- Engaging in threatening/insulting Behaviour towards other members is prohibited, doing so will lead to a 7 day suspension.
6- Busing the report function will be punished via a warning to a 3 day posting & shout box suspension.
7- Multi-accounting is strictly prohibited, each member is limited to a single account. Create multiple accounts will void your ability to appeal a ban.
8- Posting child-porn anywhere is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.
9- Posting or using the shoutbox while being on a temporary account to appeal your ban will lead you to a permanent ban.
10- When making giveaways, you must give the winner a reasonable time to claim the price (eg. 24-48 hours).
11- Posting on a scam report you are not directly involved in will receive a warning. Continuing to do so will result in a temporary suspension.
12- Using BB-Codes in the shoutbox is prohibited. Doing so might result in a temporary ban.


Using multiple accounts to generate lots of likes/posts/downloads will result in ban on all such accounts. Also all credits & cash shall be pruned to ZERO.
Keep in mind we log every single transaction and bad behavior will lead to ban.
Play clean and never abuse the system.
Thanks 💕
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