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Feb 23, 2024
jae E ; if n>=p, exit returning 0
mov eax, 1 ; put 1 in eax
test ecx, ecx ; it is faster than jecxz E
jz E ; if n=0, exit returning 1
L: ; a loop label
mul ecx ; multiply eax by ecx
div ebx ; divide the product by p
mov eax, edx ; move the remainder from edx
; to eax
test eax, eax ; if the remainder is 0,
jz E ; then exit returning 0
dec ecx ; decrease the counter by 1
jnz L ; repeat the loop if the
; counter is not 0
E: ; an exit label
pop ebx ; restore the ebx value
ret ; return eax
Facmodm endp ; end of the function
To make a dll, we can use the same Makeit.bat file, but Facmod.def should be modified
by adding the new export,
In Maple, we can define the external call to Facmodm similarly to Facmodp,
> Facmodm:=define_external(
Test its speed,
> time(Facmodp(10^8,10^8+7));
> time(Facmodm(10^8,10^8+7));
So, Facmodm is about 10% slower, because of the additional operations inside the loop.
However, it compensates by faster calculations for composite p,
> time(Facmodm(10^8,10^8+9));
Facmodm can be extended to larger values of n and p similarly to facmodp. I included the
corresponding function facmodm in the module below.
Now, when we have fast function facmodp for prime p and fast function facmodm for
composite p, we can write a module, including them as well as the function facmod

working in both cases, which chooses facmodp if p is prime and facmodm otherwise.
Since we suppose that facmodp will be used only for prime p, we can delete checking
whether p is prime from its definition. . Here is the module.
Facmod module
> Facmod:=module()
local Facmodp, Facmodm;
export facmod, facmodp, facmodm;
description "The functions in this module calculate n! mod
p. If p is prime, facmodp(n,p) should be used. If p is
composite, facmodm(n,p) should be used. If p can be prime
or composite, facmod(n,p) should be used. The functions
work for n and p less than 2^32.";
facmodp := proc (n::nonnegint, p::posint)
local r;
if p <= n then return 0
elif n = 0 then return 1
elif p>4294967295 then error "2nd argument %1 should be
less than 4294967296", p
elif 1/2*p < n then
if n = p-1 then return p-1
elif p < 2147483648 then r := Facmodp(p-n-1,p)
else r := Facmodp(p-n-1,p-4294967296)
end if;
return `mod`((-1)^(p-n)/`if`(r <
else r:=Facmodp(`if`(n<2147483648,n,n-
end if;
`if`(r < 0,4294967296+r,r)
end proc;
facmodm := proc (n::nonnegint, p::posint)
local r;

if p <= n then return 0
elif p>4294967295 then error "2nd argument %1 should be
less than 4294967296", p
end if;
`if`(r < 0,4294967296+r,r)
end proc;
facmod := proc (n::nonnegint, p::posint)
if isprime(p) then facmodp(n,p)
else facmodm(n,p)
end if
end proc
end module:
Section IV: Using Floating Point Registers
There are 2 ways of extending our calculations of n! mod p for p > 2^32-1. First - using
the gmp library for operations with multiple precision integers, and second - using the
floating point stack. In this section we'll cover the second case. It doesn't extend values of
p too much, but still it can be useful for some calculations. The following assembler
function is analogous to Facmodp, just operates in floating point registers and returns a
floating point number instead of an integer.
Fmodp proc n:QWORD, p:QWORD ; a function with qword
; parameters n and p
fninit ; initialize the floating
; point stack
fild qword ptr [n] ; put n in the FPU
fild qword ptr [p] ; st=p, st(1)=n
fld1 ; st=1, st(1)=p, st(2)=n
L: ; a loop label
fmul st, st(2) ; st=st*st(2)
fprem ; st=st mod p
fld1 ; st=1, st(3)=counter
fsub st(3), st ; st=1, st(3)=counter-1
fcomp st(3) ; compare 1 and st(3) and pop
; the stack
fnstsw ax ; store the status word in ax
shr ah, 1 ; it is faster than sahf
jc L ; repeat the loop if the
; counter is > 1
fstp st(2) ; put the return value at the
; bottom
fstp st ; clear the floating point
; stack
ret ; return st
Fmodp endp ; end of the function
To see how it is working, we can add it to the Facmod.asp before the End LibMain, add

the line EXPORT Fmodp to the Facmod.def and run Makeit.bat. If Maple was using
external calls to functions from Facmod.dll, it should be shut down and then started
again. The restart command is not enough for replacing the dll.
The external call in this case looks slightly different than for Facmodp. First, notice that
we used QWORD = 64 bit parameters. The corresponding Maple data descriptor is the
integer[8]. Second, if we want to get the returned value from the FPU, it should be
declared in the external call as a floating point number, float[8] to get higher precision.
> Fmodp:=define_external(
It does calculations more slowly than Facmodp though. For example,
> tt:=time():
> Fmodp(10^8,10^8+7);
0.69861116 10 8
> time()-tt;
However, it doesn't crash Maple for p = 0.
> Fmodp(3,0);
( )Float undefined
It would give a wrong answer if n is non-positive though. That's why it is a good idea
again to use it not directly, but through a Maple procedure excluding such bad input
Also, it can be optimized. Agner Fog wrote a great optimization manual [3] for different
Pentium processors. The optimizations steps are different for different processors, so I'll
do just one optimization here - replacing the slow fprem opcode with a calculation of N
mod p using formula
=modN p −N ⎛

⎜⎜ ⎞

⎟⎟round N
p p .
Using truncation instead of rounding would always give a non-negative remainder.
However, Pentium processors don't have an operation for truncation - only for rounding.
Fmodp1 proc n:QWORD, p:QWORD ; a function with qword
; parameters n and p
fninit ; initialize the floating
; point stack
fild qword ptr [n] ; put n in the FPU
fild qword ptr [p] ; st=p, st(1)=n

fld1 ; st=1, st(1)=p, st(2)=n
fdiv st, st(1) ; st=1/p, st(1)=p, st(2)=n
fld1 ; st=1, st(1)=1/p, st(2)=p,
; st(3)=n
L: ; a loop label
fmul st, st(3) ; st=st*st(3)
fld st ; save the product, st(2)=1/p,
; st(3)=p
fmul st, st(2) ; st=product/p
frndint ; st=round(product/p)
fmul st, st(3) ; st=round(product/p)*p
fsubp st(1), st ; st=product-
; round([product/p])*p
fld1 ; st=1, st(4)=counter
fsub st(4), st ; st=1, st(4)=counter-1
fcomp st(4) ; compare 1 and st(4) and pop
; the stack
fnstsw ax ; store the status word in ax
shr ah, 1 ; it is faster than sahf
jc L ; repeat the loop if the
; counter is > 1
fstp st(3) ; put the return value at the
; bottom
fcompp ; clear the floating point
; stack
ret ; return st
Fmodp1 endp ; end of the function
Again, before using it, we have to add the export of Fmodp1 in Facmod.def, rebuild the
dll, shut down Maple, and start it again. Here is the external call for it in Maple,
> Fmodp1:=define_external(
Compare the speed for the same example,
> time(Fmodp1(10^8,10^8+7));
Faster than Fmodp and about twice as slowly as Facmodp.
Because we used the rounding instead of truncation, the answer can be negative. For
> Fmodp1(1001,10^8+7);
-0.15297205 10 8
> 1001! mod (10^8+7);

> %-(10^8+7);
Few examples that I did, gave the correct answers for p up to about
> 2^49;
The larger numbers can give a wrong answer. For example,
> a:=nextprime(7*10^14);
:=a 700000000000051
> Fmodp1(50000,a);
0.624640410570770000 10 14
> 50000! mod a;
> a:=nextprime(75*10^13);
:=a 750000000000037
> Fmodp1(50000,a);
0.122439131674460000 10 15
> 50000! mod a;
It would be interesting to find a precise bound M such that all Fmodp1(n, p) give the
correct answers for positive integers n and p less than M.
As we did in Section III for Facmodp, we can improve Fmodp1 by giving the answer 1
for non-positive n and the fast answer 0 for n > p - 1. The following assembler code for
Fmodm does that. It also adds checking if the answer is 0 inside the loop, the same as in
Fmodm proc n:QWORD, p:QWORD ; a function with qword
; parameters n and p
fninit ; initialize the floating
; point stack
fld1 ; put 1 in the FPU for
; returning 1 if n<=1
fild qword ptr [n] ; st=n, st(1)=1
fcomp st(1) ; compare n and 1 and pop the
; stack
fnstsw ax ; store the status word in ax
and ah, 41h ; it is faster than sahf
jnz E ; if n<=1, exit returning 1
fstp st ; clear the stack

fldz ; put 0 in the FPU for
; returning 0 if n>=p
fild qword ptr [n] ; st=n, st(1)=0
fild qword ptr [p] ; st=p, st(1)=n, st(2)=0
fcompp ; compare p and n and pop them
; off the stack
fnstsw ax ; store the status word in ax
and ah, 41h ; it is faster than sahf
jnz E ; if p<=n, exit returning 0
fstp st ; clear the stack
fild qword ptr [n] ; put n in the FPU
fild qword ptr [p] ; st=p, st(1)=n
fld1 ; st=1, st(1)=p, st(2)=n
fdiv st, st(1) ; st=1/p, st(1)=p, st(2)=n
fld1 ; st=1, st(1)=1/p, st(2)=p,
; st(3)=n
L: ; a loop label
fmul st, st(3) ; st=st*st(3)
fld st ; save the product, st(2)=1/p,
; st(3)=p
fmul st, st(2) ; st=product/p
frndint ; st=round(product/p)
fmul st, st(3) ; st=round(product/p)*p
fsubp st(1), st ; st=product-
; round([product/p])*p
ftst ; check if st=0
fnstsw ax ; store the status word in ax
and ah, 40h ; it is faster than sahf
jnz S ; if st=0, exit returning 0
fld1 ; st=1, st(4)=counter
fsub st(4), st ; st=1, st(4)=counter-1
fcomp st(4) ; compare 1 and st(4) and pop
; the stack
fnstsw ax ; store the status word in ax
shr ah, 1 ; it is faster than sahf
jc L ; repeat the loop if the
; counter is > 1
S: ; exit with clearing the stack
fstp st(3) ; put the return value at the
; bottom
fcompp ; clear the floating point
; stack
E: ; the exit label
ret ; return st
Fmodm endp ; end of the function
To make a dll, we can use the same Makeit.bat file, but Facmod.def should be modified
by adding new exports,

In Maple, we can define the external call to Fmodm similarly to the external call to
> Fmodm:=define_external(
Test its speed on the same example,
> time(Fmodm(10^8,10^8+7));
Certainly, Fmodm is faster for composite p,
> time(Fmodm(10^8,10^8+9));
Finally, we can write a module FactorialMod similar to the module Facmod and
including its functions modified by using external calls to Fmodp1 and Fmodm for n
and/or p greater than 2^32-1.
FactorialMod module
> FactorialMod:=module()
local Facmodp, Facmodm, Fmodp1, Fmodm;
export facmod, facmodp, facmodm;
description "The functions in this module calculate n! mod
p. If p is prime, facmodp(n,p) should be used. If p is
composite, facmodm(n,p) should be used. If p can be prime
or composite, facmod(n,p) should be used. If n and/or p are
greater than 2^49, result may be wrong.";

facmodp := proc (n::nonnegint, p::posint)
local r;
if p <= n then return 0
elif n = 0 then return 1
elif p > 4294967295 then
if p > 562949953421312 then WARNING("result may be
wrong") end if;
if 1/2*p < n then
if n = p-1 then return p-1
else return `mod`((-1)^(p-n)/round(Fmodp1(p-n-
end if;
else return `mod`(round(Fmodp1(n,p)),p)
end if
elif 1/2*p < n then
if n = p-1 then return p-1
elif p < 2147483648 then r := Facmodp(p-n-1,p)
else r := Facmodp(p-n-1,p-4294967296)
end if;
return `mod`((-1)^(p-n)/`if`(r <
else r:=Facmodp(`if`(n<2147483648,n,n-
end if;
`if`(r < 0,4294967296+r,r)
end proc;
facmodm := proc (n::nonnegint, p::posint)
local r;
if p <= n then return 0
elif p > 4294967295 then
if p > 562949953421312 then WARNING("result may be
wrong") end if;
return `mod`(round(Fmodm(n,p)),p)

end if;
`if`(r < 0,4294967296+r,r)
end proc;
facmod := proc (n::nonnegint, p::posint)
if isprime(p) then facmodp(n,p)
else facmodm(n,p)
end if
end proc
end module:
As we saw here, the interaction between Maple and assembly language can be very
fruitful. A DLL written in assembler provides speed unavailable in Maple or DLL written
in high level languages. Maple, from another point of view, adds its symbolic capabilities
making the calculations much faster by using division modulo p and isprime function in
this example. The future improvements could be made by replacing the line "if p <= n
then return 0" in the facmod procedure by including more sophisticated conditions
guaranteed that n! = 0 mod p for composite p. For a specific processor, the assembler
code could be further optimized. Other improvements could be achieved by using the
gmp library supplied with Maple 9. It would be interesting to find a precise bound M
such that all Fmodp1(n, p) give the correct answers for positive integers n and p less than
This article started from my posting [1]. The MASM32 author's website [2] contains
useful assembler references. Dr. Agner Fog wrote a great optimization manual [3] and
periodically updates it. The Intel developer's manual [4] contains a description of the
assembler instructions.
I would like to thank my beautiful and wonderful wife, Bette for her support.
1. Alec Mihailovs, Huge factorials, comp.soft-sys.math.maple, 12/4/2003,
2. S.L.Hutchesson, MASM32, http://www.movsd.com/
3. Agner Fog, How to optimize for the Pentium family of microprocessors,
4. IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developers' Manual, v.2: Instruction Set
Reference, http://developer.intel.com/design/Pentium4/manuals/
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to validate the solutions in this worksheet, Dr. Alec Mihailovs is not
responsible for any errors contained and is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this material.
Copyright © 2004 Alec Mihailovs

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