Master your brain to hardwire for Success (Part 2 of 5)-Udemy Coupon | Courses | Crax

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Master your brain to hardwire for Success (Part 2 of 5)-Udemy Coupon

Master your brain to hardwire for Success (Part 2 of 5)-Udemy Coupon



Nov 10, 2023

Master your brain to hardwire for Success (Part 2 of 5)​

Comprehensive Self Development guide at what behaviours drain your wealth. Ultimate wealth visualisation mastery.

What you'll learn​

  • Replacing and installing a new wealth framework subliminally [This 5 Part Module must be followed sequentially to get the benefit.]
  • Part 2: What it means to be an Undercover Billionaire
  • Part 2: Law of Balance
  • Part 2: Leaning how to not weaponize your money truth
  • Part 2: Re-establishing and reframing your love for money
  • Part 2: Redefining your personal strengths - building up to your money and wealth hutzpah
  • Part 2: Visualisation: Powerful phrases. Dropping a scene. Using 5 senses vs 6 senses in your scenes.
  • Part 2: Imagination Super Power. Learning the craft of visualising wealth creation. Building your scenes. Do's and don'ts. Trigger words. Living in the End.
  • Part 2: Personal Money Drains, Addictions & Blocked Energy. Learning the effects of addictions on your wealth.
  • Part 2: Personal Money Triggers. Defining and understanding your limitation [poverty/lack] triggers and where they come from
  • Part 2: Developing your Money Drain Diary by day / week. Putting a number to your addictions.
  • Part 2: Clearing your physical and non-physical space.
  • Part 2: Visually mapping and charting out your money drains, addictions and triggers
  • Part 2: Money Boundaries
  • Part 2: Understanding the value of money metrics
  • Part 2: How to say No from the seat of your Internal Power
  • Part 2: Law of Attraction success stories. Famous persons that employ visualisation as part of their success arsenal.
  • Rewiring your brain neurally over the 5 Parts, replacing limited beliefs from childhood with new liberating wealth beliefs using our customised overnight audio
  • Part 1 Foundation: Cementing your practice of the Advantage Concept, Intention and Gratitude whilst forging relationships with your personal money team
  • Continued from Part 1: Re-programming your subconscious mind with new wealth and money neural tracks
  • Continued from Part 1: Cementing your new daily and weekly routine, and lifelong wealth habits
  • The keys to the corridor to the quantum world where the seemingly impossible is made possible.
  • A steady de-layering of your money resistance that has been built up over time, in incremental changes that have a powerful life long effect
  • A second-nature reset where you learn a different way of thinking and talking about money
  • How to genuinely stop glorifying your money pains and spreading your limitation story
  • Moving up the Evolutionary Scale
  • Your cyclical past-present story that enables the limited belief

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