Script/Site - How to setup a mail server for mass-blackmailing. | Tools/Bots/Validators | Crax

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Script/Site How to setup a mail server for mass-blackmailing.

Script/Site How to setup a mail server for mass-blackmailing.



Nov 29, 2023
In this tutorial I will cover how to setup a simple mail server for blackmailing while remaining anonymous and while NOT ending up in spam folder + I'll provide some simple automation code to get you started.

The tutorial may look complex but if you follow me along you'll realize it's just a lot of steps but not difficult. Use common sense & google if you encounter issues.

VPS with at least 1GB ram & 10GB disk space, a domain & the ability to follow instructions

If you don't own a VPS or domain you can browse through non-kyc VPS & domains service providers on If you don't have crypto you can look at my previous thread that shows you how to purchase crypto http://onnii6niq53gv3rvjpi7z5axkasurk2x5w5lwliep4qyeb2azagxn4qd.onion/showthread.php?tid=2406

Don't choose a domain name that will be flagged immediately such as winfreemoneytodaytotally.legit or else your emails will be more likely to end up in spam.

After purchasing the VPS, select ubuntu 22.04 as the distro. If you already have a VPS with a diff OS you can check the link below if cyberpanel supports it.

Short summary of everything before you dive in:
Cyber panel is a web hosting control panel that helps you set up sites. We'll be using it to set up the mail server as it does all the configurations necessary on its own which saves us a lot of time (sets up the necessary nameservers, selfsigns a SSL certificate etc..). We then use nodejs to automate sending the blackmails. If you want to learn from this tutorial google the steps as questions or just ask chatgpt.
Ex. "why configure rdns when creating a smtp"

1. Install cyberpanel (
After running the installation script, click on Install Cyberpanel > Cyberpanel with OpenLiteSpeed
> Install full service for cyberpanel > Skip remote mysql > Set password > Decline the extra things it asks to install ex Redis & Memcached
Now you just wait, it takes around 10 minutes to install.

2. Creating a new website on cyberpanel
Go to serverip:8090 on your webbrowser and login as admin. Go to Websites > Create a website and copy the following:
Select package > Default
Select owner > Your login username
Domain name >
Email > put your email
Select PHP > latest version
Additional features > Click on DKIM support

3. Setting up DNS
Go to DNS > Create nameserver and copy the following:
Domain Name >
First Nameserver >
IP Address > serverip
First Nameserver >
IP Address > serverip

4. Setting up SSL
Go to SSL > Mailserver SSL
Select website >
Press on issue SSL

5. Changing domain nameservers
Go to your domain provider & change the nameservers to &

6. Setting up reverse DNS
Go your VPS provider and set your domain name as the rDNS of your server.

7. Creating an email
Go to Email > Create email account

Select website >
User name > your username
Password > your password

Wait for the DNS changes to propagate, you can use tools to check if the tools has propagated or not and do a rDNS lookup to check if the rDNS has been updated. After that it's time to test the trust factor of our emails. Go to Emails > Access webmail and login. After that go to & copy the generated email. Construct the blackmail subject & body and send it to the email provided by mailgenius. After that click on see score. If everything is setup correctly, you should get a 95/100 score. The -5 will be due to your domain age.

Now lets move on to sending the blackmails. This code I'll provide is configured to send blackmail to a combolist and it puts their password on the title to catch their attention.

Install nodejs & npm on the VPS and run the following:
mkdir blackmail && cd blackmail && npm install nodemailer && touch app.js data.txt

Put the combolist on your data.txt
Make sure it is formatted like this:
[email protected]:test123
[email protected]:test123

Open app.js with nano or vim n paste this:

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

const smtpConfig = {
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: '[email protected]',
pass: 'your_email_password',

async function sendEmail(email, password) {
try {
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpConfig);
const mailOptions = {
from: '[email protected]',
to: email,
subject: 'I know your password',
text: `Your password is: ${password}blah blah give me money`,

const info = await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);
console.log(`Email sent to ${email}. Response: ${info.response}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error sending email to ${email}:`, error);

function processLine(line) {
const pattern = /^([^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+):(.+)$/;
const match = line.match(pattern);

if (match) {
const email = match[1];
const password = match[2];
sendEmail(email, password);
} else {
console.log(`Invalid line: ${line}`);

async function processFileWithDelay(filename) {
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filename);
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fileStream,
crlfDelay: Infinity,

for await (const line of rl) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // Wait for 0.5 seconds

processFileWithDelay('data.txt').catch((error) => {
console.error('Error reading the file:', error);

If you need smth more complex you can use ChatGPT, in fact the code above I generated with chatgpt as I was too lazy. You can also make it so it says the amount of emails sent so far and then you can check pm2 logs to see how many emails have been sent. Just use chatgpt for this if you can't code once again.
Make the necessary configurations & save. To make sure it works run node app. To let the app running even after logging out the VPS we need to install pm2
npm install -g pm2
After installation run pm2 start app.js. Now we can logout and the blackmails will continue to be sent in the background. We can check the logs if we wish to see the progress. The code sends the email at a rate of 2 emails/second. Above 4 emails/second & the smtp won't be able to catch up

WARNING: spam filters will eventually catch up and blacklist your IP if you send too many emails at once. If you get blacklisted yahoo, gmail, microsoft mails will blacklist you first, to save time you can add a logic gate to skip sending mail to big companies that will be rejected by filters anyway. How do you know if you've been blacklisted? You'll get messages on your webmail. This doesn't mean spam filters of other emails won't eventually catch up.
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