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How to reset forgotten Windows 10/11 and other operating system passwor

How to reset forgotten Windows 10/11 and other operating system passwor



Aug 25, 2023

In this topic, I will show you the easy way to reset the passwords of the forgotten Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 operating systems. For this, we will start by burning the Hiren's Boot CD ISO file to the USB stick. You can use software called Rufus to write to USB stick. Rufus is a tool that can be used to burn one and multiple ISO files to a Bootable USB stick. So what is this Hiren's Boot CD?
Where to download Hiren's Boot Live CD ISO file?
Here's the reason why I didn't give the download links. Actually, I would like to add it as a link structure in the sentence, but since it was added in red, this also pissed me off, to be honest. When I wanted to change its color, the link structure remained red. In short, we decided not to disturb the order :)

If you write Hiren's Boot CD on Google, the first site that comes up is the official site. You can download it here. Go to the site and come to the Downloads tab and you will see a link structure at the bottom, you can download it directly from there.


We can say that it is a Live operating system or software that you can run as Hiren's Boot CD Live and also consists of up-to-date antivirus software, disk partitioning and defragmentation tools, password reset and various software.

There is a software called Lazesoft Password Recovery, which is included in the Hiren's Boot CD, which I also use. Of course, not only this software is included. There are also 2 different software. But today I will go through this software. First of all, after printing with the software called Rufus, we start it in the same way as we start the normal Windows 11 operating system from the Boot menu when formatting. The boot varies depending on the make and model of the computer. Generally, we can access the boot menu with keys such as F12, F11, F9. I'll continue assuming you're now in the boot menu. After selecting the USB, the operating system will automatically start directly from Hiren's Boot CD. It will greet you as if normal Windows 10 is booting, but with XP sound. Now, after the operating system is turned on, you will see a folder named Password Recovery in the normal search box of Windows, or rather in the menus. I'm not quite sure but you will see the software named Lazesoft Password Recovery in the categorized (Utilities/Security/Passwords) directory.
Now let's move on to the important steps

Step 1 - After clicking on the software, you will be greeted with a window like this. On this screen we choose the first option. So Reset Windows Password. It is already selected automatically. Then we say Next.


Step 2 - On this screen, we need to choose which operating system is installed on the system in the first option. It's already selected. If it is not selected, you must select it. We choose the operating system and continue by clicking Next.


Step 3 - On this screen, we select the username whose password we want to reset and continue by clicking Next.


Step 4 - After choosing the username, the following window will welcome you. In this window, we click the RESET/UNLOCK button.


Step 5 - After this step, we restart Windows by Restarting via Hiren's Boot Live CD. When the system is turned on, it will no longer ask you for a password!

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