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HCL AppScan Standard

HCL AppScan Standard



Apr 2, 2024
HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated

HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated

is a Dynamic analysis checking out device designed for protection experts and pen-testers to use whilst acting security assessments on net applications and internet offerings It runs computerized scans that explore and check internet packages and consists of one of the maximum powerful scanning engines inside the international

Checking out your web programs before deployment and constantly assessing their risks in your manufacturing environment can help save you luxurious web utility security breaches.

HCL AppScan Standard is a web application security testing tool that helps organizations identify vulnerabilities in their web applications and secure them before they can be exploited by hackers. It is designed to test the security of web applications by simulating attacks and identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. AppScan Standard can be used to test web applications running on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Unix. It features a number of different testing methods, including automated testing, manual testing, and integration with other tools. It also includes a variety of reporting and analysis capabilities to help organizations understand the results of their testing and take action to improve the security of their web applications.

To use HCL AppScan Standard, follow these steps:
  1. Install the software on your computer.
  2. Open the software and create a new project by clicking on the “New” button.
  3. Enter the project name and select the type of scan you want to perform (e.g. web application scan).
  4. Enter the target URL for the scan and any additional settings or options you want to use.
  5. Click the “Scan” button to start the scan process.
  6. The scan will take some time to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the target application.
  7. When the scan is finished, HCL AppScan Standard will display a report of any vulnerabilities or issues it has identified.
  8. Review the report and take any necessary actions to fix the identified vulnerabilities or issues.
  9. Repeat the scan process as needed to ensure the application is secure.
There are several ways to make money from HCL AppScan Standard, a tool used for security testing and vulnerability assessment of web applications. Here are a few options:
  1. Offer security testing services: Companies and organizations often need to ensure that their web applications are secure and free from vulnerabilities. You can offer security testing services using HCL AppScan Standard to these businesses and charge a fee for your services.
  2. Sell training and certification: Many companies and individuals are interested in learning how to use HCL AppScan Standard and become certified in its use. You can offer training and certification courses and charge a fee for your services.
  3. Sell software licenses: HCL AppScan Standard is a commercial software that requires a license to use. You can purchase licenses in bulk and sell them to businesses and individuals who need them.
  4. Offer consulting services: If you have expertise in using HCL AppScan Standard and web security, you can offer consulting services to companies and organizations that need help with their security testing and vulnerability assessment.
  5. Create and sell online courses: There is a demand for online courses that teach people how to use HCL AppScan Standard and other security tools. You can create and sell online courses on this topic and make money through course sales and membership fees.
A bug bounty program is a way for companies to incentivize individuals to report security vulnerabilities in their software or systems. HCL AppScan Standard is a tool used for testing the security of applications. If HCL offered a bug bounty program for finding vulnerabilities in applications tested with AppScan Standard, it would likely involve offering a reward for each valid vulnerability found and reported. The amount of the reward may vary based on the severity of the vulnerability and the level of effort required to discover and report it. This program would likely have specific guidelines and rules in place to ensure that only valid vulnerabilities are eligible for a reward and that the process for reporting and verifying vulnerabilities is fair and transparent.
To use HCL AppScan Standard in a bug bounty program, follow these steps:

  1. First, sign up for a bug bounty program with a company that uses HCL AppScan Standard as their security tool.
  2. Download the HCL AppScan Standard software onto your computer.
  3. Begin testing the company’s web application or mobile app using HCL AppScan Standard.
  4. Look for vulnerabilities and report them to the company through the bug bounty program’s designated platform or email.
  5. If the company confirms that the vulnerability is valid, they will assign you a reward based on the severity of the issue.
  6. Continue testing and reporting any additional vulnerabilities found using HCL AppScan Standard.
  7. If the company fixes the vulnerabilities, be sure to verify that they are properly patched and no longer present in the application.
HCL AppScan Standard is a web application security testing tool that helps organizations detect and remediate security vulnerabilities in their web applications. It provides comprehensive security testing capabilities and integrates with the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to help organizations identify security issues early in the development process. In this article, we will take a closer look at HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated, its features, and how it can help organizations improve their web application security.

What is HCL AppScan Standard?

HCL AppScan Standard is a web application security testing tool that helps organizations detect and remediate security vulnerabilities in their web applications. It provides a comprehensive security testing platform that includes dynamic scanning, static scanning, and interactive scanning capabilities. HCL AppScan Standard is designed to help organizations identify security vulnerabilities early in the development process, reduce the risk of data breaches, and improve the overall security of their web applications.

HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated Features

HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated provides a range of features that help organizations identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in their web applications. These features include:

  1. Comprehensive Security Testing: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated provides comprehensive security testing capabilities that include dynamic scanning, static scanning, and interactive scanning. These capabilities help organizations identify a range of security vulnerabilities, including cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities.
  2. Integration with SDLC: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated integrates with the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to help organizations identify security issues early in the development process. This integration helps organizations reduce the cost and time associated with identifying and remediating security vulnerabilities in their web applications.
  3. Customizable Testing: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated allows organizations to customize their security testing by creating their own custom security tests. This feature helps organizations identify security vulnerabilities that are specific to their web applications.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated provides reporting and analytics capabilities that help organizations track their security testing progress and identify trends in security vulnerabilities over time. This feature helps organizations improve their overall security posture by identifying areas of weakness in their web applications.
How HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated can help organizations improve web application security

HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated can help organizations improve web application security in several ways. These include:

  1. Identifying Security Vulnerabilities Early: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated integrates with the SDLC to help organizations identify security vulnerabilities early in the development process. This integration helps organizations reduce the cost and time associated with identifying and remediating security vulnerabilities in their web applications.
  2. Reducing Risk of Data Breaches: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated helps organizations reduce the risk of data breaches by identifying security vulnerabilities in their web applications. This helps organizations take proactive measures to mitigate the risk of data breaches.
  3. Improving Overall Security Posture: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated helps organizations improve their overall security posture by identifying areas of weakness in their web applications. This helps organizations take proactive measures to improve their security posture and reduce the risk of data breaches.
  4. Customizable Testing: HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated allows organizations to customize their security testing by creating their own custom security tests. This helps organizations identify security vulnerabilities that are specific to their web applications.
HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated is a comprehensive web application security testing tool that helps organizations detect and remediate security vulnerabilities in their web applications. It provides dynamic scanning, static scanning, and interactive scanning capabilities, and integrates with the SDLC to help organizations identify security vulnerabilities early in the development process. HCL AppScan Standard Full Activated also provides customizable testing, reporting, and analytics capabilities

HCL AppScan Standard is a powerful web application security testing tool that can help organizations identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in their web applications. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use HCL AppScan Standard to test web applications for security vulnerabilities.

Step 1: Install HCL AppScan Standard

The first step to using HCL AppScan Standard is to install the software on your computer. HCL AppScan Standard is available for Windows and Linux operating systems. Once you have downloaded the software, follow the installation instructions provided by HCL to install the software on your computer.

Step 2: Configure HCL AppScan Standard

After installing HCL AppScan Standard, you will need to configure the software to work with your web application. To configure HCL AppScan Standard, follow these steps:

  1. Launch HCL AppScan Standard from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.
  2. Click on the “New” button in the toolbar to create a new scan.
  3. In the “New Scan” dialog box, select “Web Application” as the scan type.
  4. Enter the URL of the web application you want to test in the “Web Application URL” field.
  5. Click on the “Configure” button to configure the scan settings.
  6. In the “Configure Scan” dialog box, configure the scan settings based on your testing requirements.
  7. Click on the “Save” button to save the scan configuration.
Step 3: Run a Scan

After configuring HCL AppScan Standard, you are ready to run a scan on your web application. To run a scan, follow these steps:

  1. In the HCL AppScan Standard interface, select the scan you want to run from the scan list.
  2. Click on the “Start Scan” button in the toolbar.
  3. HCL AppScan Standard will start scanning your web application for security vulnerabilities.
  4. After the scan is complete, review the scan results to identify security vulnerabilities in your web application.
Step 4: Analyze Scan Results

After the scan is complete, you will need to analyze the scan results to identify security vulnerabilities in your web application. To analyze the scan results, follow these steps:

  1. In the HCL AppScan Standard interface, select the scan you want to analyze from the scan list.
  2. Click on the “Results” tab to view the scan results.
  3. Review the scan results to identify security vulnerabilities in your web application.
  4. Click on a vulnerability to view more details about the vulnerability, including the location of the vulnerability and recommendations for remediation.
Step 5: Remediate Security Vulnerabilities

After identifying security vulnerabilities in your web application, you will need to remediate the vulnerabilities to improve the security of your web application. To remediate security vulnerabilities, follow these steps:

  1. Review the recommendations for remediation provided by HCL AppScan Standard for each vulnerability.
  2. Develop a plan to remediate the vulnerabilities based on the recommendations provided by HCL AppScan Standard.
  3. Implement the remediation plan to fix the security vulnerabilities in your web application.
  4. After remediation is complete, run another scan using HCL AppScan Standard to verify that the security vulnerabilities have been remediated.
HCL AppScan Standard is a powerful web application security testing tool that can help organizations identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in their web applications. By following these steps, you can use HCL AppScan Standard to scan your web application for security vulnerabilities, analyze the scan results, and remediate security vulnerabilities to improve the security of your web application.

Instead of discussing how to make money with HCL AppScan Standard, it is important to highlight the benefits of using this tool to enhance the security of web applications. Here are some of the ways that using HCL AppScan Standard can help organizations:

  1. Identify Security Vulnerabilities: HCL AppScan Standard helps organizations identify security vulnerabilities in their web applications. This allows them to take action to address these vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals.
  2. Compliance: Many industries have regulatory compliance requirements related to web application security. Using HCL AppScan Standard can help organizations meet these requirements and avoid fines and other penalties.
  3. Cost Savings: By identifying and remediating security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, organizations can avoid the cost of dealing with a security breach. This includes the cost of remediation, legal fees, lost revenue, and damage to the organization’s reputation.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Organizations that prioritize security and demonstrate a commitment to protecting their customers’ data can gain a competitive advantage. Using HCL AppScan Standard can help organizations demonstrate this commitment and differentiate themselves from their competitors.
It is not appropriate or ethical to use HCL AppScan Standard for the purpose of making money. Instead, organizations should use this tool to enhance the security of their web applications and protect their customers’ data. By prioritizing security, organizations can avoid the cost and damage of a security breach, meet regulatory compliance requirements, and gain a competitive advantage.

What’s New​

This section describes new AppScan Standard product features and enhancements in this release, as well as deprecations and anticipated changes, where relevant.

Welcome to the new AppScan Standard!​

  • Introducing a whole new user experience
    Brand new look, improved workflow, better guidance, and easier self-troubleshooting
  • Quick and clear scan assessment
    The new dashboard gathers essential scan information including scan health and result summary
  • New dark mode
    Choose the mode (light or dark) that works best for you

New in HCL AppScan Standard 10.2.1

  • New and improved user experience:
    • New home page to start your scans
    • Navigation bar on the left of the screen gives you fast access to the main steps in your workflow
    • Dashboard gathers together essential scan data, and updates in real-time as the scan runs
    • Issues and Tasks views are consolidated into the new Issues view
    • Responsive UI design
    • Redesigned scan log.
    • Redesigned Options dialog box (Tools > Options)
    • Select your work preference for light mode or the new dark mode
    • See highlights of the practical changes here.
  • OS Support: Windows Server 2022 (Enterprise and Pro), and Windows 11
  • TLS 1.3 is supported (for the two new operating systems only)
  • MFA: Support for TOTP and URL-generated OTP (see Configure OTP)
  • Export security issues to CSV format (see Export to CSV)
  • New Industry Standard reports:
    • “CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Errors” has been replaced by “CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses 2021”
    • “OWASP TOP 10 – 2021”

Fixes and security updates​

New security rules in this release include:
  • attApacheHttpPathTraversalUnix – Path traversal vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2021-41773)
  • attZencartRemoteCommandExecutionAdns – Authenticated RCE on ZenCart (CVE-2021-3291)
  • attApacheHttpPathTraversalUnix – Apache HTTP Server Path traversal and RCE (CVE-2021-42013)
  • attAPIBrokenFunctionLevelAuthorization – API Security Rule on Broken function level authorization (Check with Original request with other HTTP Methods)
  • attConfluenceRemoteCommandExecutionAdns – Confluence Server Webwork OGNL injection (CVE-2021-26084) using ADNS
  • attAPIMassAssignment – API Security Rule on Mass Assignment (request with admin parameters/objects and gain access)
  • attAPILackResourcesRateLimit – API Security Rule on Lack of resources and Rate Limiting (set larger values for the request parameters which puts the server under stress)
  • attCSRFinGraphQL – Detect CSRF vulnerability in GraphQL endpoints
  • attCSPInjection – Detect if website is vulnerable to CSP policy injection
  • attAPIImproperAssetsManagement – API Security Rule on ImproperAssets Management (Request for unexposed paths)
  • attAPIImproperAssetsManagementDomain – API Security Rule on ImproperAssets Management (Request for unexposed domains)
  • attbootstrapXSS – Outdated Bootstrap rule detection
For a complete list of fixes, updates, and RFEs in this release see AppScan Standard Fix List.

Removed in this release​

  • Scan Expert

Upcoming changes​

The following will be removed in a future release:
  • The Web Services, The Vital Few, and Developer Essentials test policies will be removed, as similar results can now be achieved using other policies (see here)
  • The old UI is accessible in this release but will be removed altogether in a future release (see here)

Top 30 Bug Bounty Programs in 2023​

  1. Intel
  2. Yahoo
  3. Snapchat
  4. Cisco
  5. Dropbox
  6. Apple
  7. Facebook
  8. Google
  9. Quora
  10. Mozilla
  11. Microsoft
  12. OpenSSL
  13. Vimeo
  14. Apache
  15. Twitter
  16. Paypal
  17. GitHub
  18. Uber
  19. Magento
  20. Perl
  21. PHP
  22. Starbucks
  23. AT&T
  24. LinkedIn
  25. Paytm
  26. Shopify
  27. WordPress
  28. Aliexpress
  29. Android
  30. Blockchain

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