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Apr 18, 2024

Eclipse Grabber


What is Eclipse?
Eclipse is an open source Python Discord Token Grabber that can be used on Windows and OSX systems. With this tool you can generate executable files that will steal Discord tokens from a system and report them to your Discord server via Discord Webhooks.

How does it work?
Like mentioned above, this tool is written in Python and can be used on Windows and OSX systems to exfiltrate Discord Tokens. Once executed it will look through the file system and attempt to locate a Discord Account Tokens. Once it finds one it will send a message to your Discord server via Discord Webhooks which will contain the token, information about the system and information about the Discord Account.

How to Setup Eclipse?

Please follow the installation guide to install the Eclipse Grabber.​

How to Build a Grabber?
Please follow the build guide to build an executable grabber.​

Eclipse Grabber Features
  • Gathers Infomartion about the system​
  • Send infomation about Discord Account​
  • Gathers Billing Information from account (if available)​
  • Encrypted Traffic (HTTPS)​
Malware Scan (Static Analysis)

For anyone who is interested in contributing to Eclipse Grabber, please make sure to give credit
This tool is made for educational purposes only. We are not responsible for any misuse of this software. Do not use this software for illegal purposes.



Discord token, 2. Discord token grabber, 3. Discord grabber, 4. Token,
5. Discord security, 6. Discord API, 7. Token sniffer, 8. Discord
hack, 9. Discord bot token, 10. Token theft, 11. Discord malware, 12.
Secure Discord, 13. Discord token logger, 14. Token hacking tool, 15.
Grab Discord token, 16. Token generator Discord, 17. Discord user
token, 18. Protect Discord token, 19. Discord exploit, 20. Discord
token safety, 21. Discord token finder, 22. Discord access token, 23.
Discord token protection, 24. Token scam, 25. Discord phishing, 26.
Token retriever, 27. Discord security tips, 28. Discord token
recovery, 29. Discord token guide, 30. Discord credentials, 31. Token
monitoring, 32. Discord token misuse, 33. Discord safety measures, 34.
Unauthorized token access, 35. Token privacy, 36. Discord account
safety, 37. Token leak prevention, 38. Discord token detection, 39.
Discord scam prevention, 40. Safe Discord use, 41. Discord token
analysis, 42. Prevent token grab, 43. Discord token scam, 44. Discord
token risks, 45. Token stealing malware, 46. Discord token tutorial,
47. Discord token check, 48. Protect against token theft, 49. Discord
token encryption, 50. Token security best practices,
Token encryption methods, 52. Discord token refresh, 53. Detect token
theft, 54. Discord cyber security, 55. Avoid Discord scams, 56. Token
recovery methods, 57. Secure your Discord token, 58. Token integrity,
59. Discord token renewal, 60. Discord phishing protection, 61. Token
grabber prevention, 62. Discord account protection, 63. Secure token
handling, 64. Discord account hack, 65. Token security software, 66.
Discord security solutions, 67. Token logging, 68. Preventing token
scams, 69. Discord token alerts, 70. Monitor Discord tokens, 71.
Discord privacy settings, 72. Protect your token, 73. Token loss
prevention, 74. Discord fraud prevention, 75. Token hacking
prevention, 76. Discord token auditing, 77. Discord API security, 78.
Token grabber detector, 79. Discord security enhancement, 80. Token
validation, 81. Discord secure login, 82. Token grabber defense, 83.
Discord token theft prevention, 84. Prevent Discord hacking, 85.
Discord token spyware, 86. Token hacking detection, 87. Safe token
usage, 88. Discord token scanner, 89. Secure token storage, 90.
Discord token prevention tips, 91. Detect token grabbers, 92. Discord
token safeguard, 93. Discord anti-theft, 94. Protecting Discord
credentials, 95. Token phishing protection, 96. Discord token
firewall, 97. Token safeguarding, 98. Token breach prevention, 99.
Discord secure practices, 100. Token misuse prevention,

Discord token safety tips, 102. Prevent token misuse, 103. Discord
token spyware detection, 104. Token grabber alert, 105. Discord
malware protection, 106. Token hacking tools, 107. Secure Discord API,
108. Token security audits, 109. Token grabber software, 110. Discord
user security, 111. Discord API token security, 112. Token integrity
check, 113. Secure token protocols, 114. Discord phishing scams, 115.
Token theft alerts, 116. Discord security enhancements, 117. Token
access control, 118. Discord token encryption tools, 119. Detecting
token tampering, 120. Token security tips, 121. Discord phishing
alerts, 122. Token scam detection, 123. Discord bot security, 124.
Token phishing tools, 125. Token manipulation prevention, 126. Discord
token security best practices, 127. Token authentication methods, 128.
Discord hacking alerts, 129. Discord token monitoring, 130. Secure
Discord bot tokens, 131. Token privacy protection, 132. Discord token
exposure prevention, 133. Token access monitoring, 134. Discord scam
detection, 135. Discord account security, 136. Token stealing
prevention, 137. Token misuse detection, 138. Discord secure token,
139. Token theft defense, 140. Discord token leak prevention, 141.
Token grab prevention, 142. Secure Discord environment, 143. Discord
token investigation, 144. Prevent Discord token theft, 145. Token
grabber countermeasures, 146. Discord security practices, 147. Token
exposure alerts, 148. Discord phishing defense, 149. Token access
security, 150. Discord account token protection,
Token logging prevention, 152. Discord token analysis tools, 153.
Prevent token logging, 154. Discord user token security, 155. Token
security enforcement, 156. Discord malware alerts, 157. Token theft
countermeasures, 158. Discord secure token management, 159. Token
security compliance, 160. Discord token hacking prevention, 161. Token
recovery strategies, 162. Discord token verification, 163. Protecting
against token grabbers, 164. Token encryption solutions, 165. Discord
token logging prevention, 166. Token security management, 167. Discord
security measures, 168. Token handling best practices, 169. Preventing
token exposure, 170. Discord token access control, 171. Token security
policies, 172. Discord account theft prevention, 173. Discord token
control, 174. Token misuse alerts, 175. Discord secure handling, 176.
Token theft protection, 177. Discord phishing tactics, 178. Secure
token practices, 179. Discord token integrity, 180. Token handling
security, 181. Discord token protection methods, 182. Prevent token
phishing, 183. Discord token defense, 184. Token theft monitoring,
185. Discord token privacy, 186. Token protection strategies, 187.
Discord account security tips, 188. Token security enhancements, 189.
Discord API token management, 190. Secure Discord tokens, 191. Token
misuse protection, 192. Discord secure token usage, 193. Token hacking
alerts, 194. Discord phishing protection tools, 195. Token privacy
tips, 196. Discord token access prevention, 197. Token security
solutions, 198. Discord security protocols, 199. Token security
alerts, 200. Discord API security practices,

Discord token grabber Windows, 2. Discord token grabber macOS, 3.
Cross-platform token grabbers, 4. Windows Discord hack, 5. macOS
Discord token theft, 6. Token grabber software Windows, 7. Token
grabber macOS tool, 8. Detect token grabbers on Windows, 9. Remove
token grabber macOS, 10. Discord security Windows, 11. Discord
security macOS, 12. Token grabber protection Windows, 13. Token
grabber defense macOS, 14. Windows token grabber scanner, 15. macOS
token monitoring, 16. Windows Discord security tools, 17. macOS
Discord safety, 18. Token grabber cleanup on Windows, 19. Prevent
token grab macOS, 20. Cross-OS Discord protection, 21. Universal
Discord token grabber, 22. Windows macOS token tools, 23. Discord
malware Windows, 24. Discord malware macOS, 25. Token grabber alerts
Windows, 26. Token grabber alerts macOS, 27. Secure Discord on
Windows, 28. Secure Discord on macOS, 29. Windows token theft
prevention, 30. macOS token grab solutions, 31. Token security Windows
macOS, 32. Detect token theft Windows, 33. Detect token theft macOS,
34. Token grabber prevention Windows, 35. Token grabber prevention
macOS, 36. Anti-token grabber tools Windows, 37. Anti-token grabber
tools macOS, 38. Discord token safety Windows, 39. Discord token
safety macOS, 40. Token grabber detection software Windows, 41. Token
grabber detection software macOS, 42. Stop token grabber Windows, 43.
Block token grabber macOS, 44. Token grabber investigation Windows,
45. Token grabber investigation macOS, 46. Windows Discord token
recovery, 47. macOS Discord token recovery, 48. Windows token grab
response, 49. macOS token grab response, 50. Windows Discord
protection, 51. macOS Discord protection, 52. Token grabber removal
tool Windows, 53. Token grabber removal tool macOS, 54. Discord token
monitoring Windows, 55. Discord token monitoring macOS, 56. Windows
Discord token check, 57. macOS Discord token check, 58. Windows
malware defense Discord, 59. macOS malware defense Discord, 60.
Windows token grab alarms, 61. macOS token grab alarms, 62. Windows
Discord secure settings, 63. macOS Discord secure settings, 64.
Discord token grabber shield Windows, 65. Discord token grabber shield
macOS, 66. Windows Discord token lock, 67. macOS Discord token lock,
68. Windows token grab detection, 69. macOS token grab detection, 70.
Windows token grabber alerts, 71. macOS token grabber alerts, 72.
Token grabber shield Windows, 73. Token grabber shield macOS, 74.
Windows Discord token safeguard, 75. macOS Discord token safeguard,
76. Windows token grabber scan, 77. macOS token grabber scan, 78.
Windows Discord token security suite, 79. macOS Discord token security
suite, 80. Windows Discord API security, 81. macOS Discord API
security, 82. Windows Discord token grab fix, 83. macOS Discord token
grab fix, 84. Windows secure Discord API, 85. macOS secure Discord
API, 86. Windows token protection, 87. macOS token protection, 88.
Token grabber neutralizer Windows, 89. Token grabber neutralizer
macOS, 90. Windows Discord token privacy, 91. macOS Discord token
privacy, 92. Windows anti-token theft, 93. macOS anti-token theft, 94.
Token safety measures Windows, 95. Token safety measures macOS, 96.
Discord token control Windows, 97. Discord token control macOS, 98.
Windows Discord token encryption, 99. macOS Discord token encryption,
100. Discord token health check Windows, 101. Discord token health
check macOS.

This is a bump​
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