Method/TUT - Credit Card ChargeBacks | CardTube | Crax

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Method/TUT Credit Card ChargeBacks

Method/TUT Credit Card ChargeBacks



Mar 12, 2023
What Are Credit Card Chargebacks?
A credit card chargeback is when someone reports to their bank that a recent transaction on their credit
card was invalid for one reason or another and the credit card company disputes the charge(s) and refunds
the payment.
There are so many different ways you can go about issuing a chargeback with your bank, but today we are
only going to cover the MOST EFFECTIVE methods!
Unauthorized Method #1 (Physical Spending):
#1. Go to whichever physical location you'd like (stick to one) and purchase shit up to around $1,000. Make
sure to avoid security cameras. Payments that will require you to present ID in hand are risky and will likely
not work for this method. Make sure that these purchases at this location will not be linked to you by an
account or anything like this.
#2. Wait 4 hours or so, then give your bank a call.
#3. Call them and tell them that you've been out on business all day long and you just realized that your
wallet was missing. Mention you just checked your bank account and its showing that someone spent
however much money at a store. Tell the bank that this is NOT you and that the person who stole your
credit card must have made the transactions.
#4. Your may ask you some questions about how long ago you noticed your card missing, etc. Just tell
them that you just noticed it was not with you.
#5. The bank will go ahead and put a freeze on your credit card. From there, they will dispute the
transaction and refund you for the amount you spent that was "unauthorized".
#6. Wait a couple days to get a new credit card in the mail. This is the main downside.
Unauthorized Method #1 (Virtual Spending / PRIVATE METHOD):
This method is FAR more powerful than the physical method!
#1. Go on your phones mobile data on a new web browser that you have not used before. Open up a
account on the website you would like to purchase from, add your real credit card, name, and address and
browse around for some time.
#2. For this second part, you will need to do a convincing accent or have your friend call. Call your bank
under your usual phone number and tell them that you will be spending however much money on
whichever website. I recommend keeping this under $8k. Go ahead and answer all the security questions
but make sure that the voice on the phone does NOT sound like you whatsoever.
#3. The bank should tell you that your card is now approved to purchase these item(s). Go back on mobile
data onto the browser and go to the website you were browsing. Contact the website by phone or chat and
tell them you are looking to place an order and that you have already confirmed it with your bank, but don't
want to run into any cancellations. This will help lower the risk that they cancel the order. This is typically
only required on high security websites.
#4. Place your order with your real information.
#5. Once your order has shipped and is out for delivery. Check if it requires a signature. If it does, sign with
a fake signature once it gets to your home. If it does not, let them drop it off at the porch.
#6. Contact your bank roughly 24 hours after the items get delivered. Tell them that you don't recognize this
transaction at all and that you never placed this order. Tell the bank that you figured they had put a stop to
the fraud, as you had received a call from them a week or so back asking you to confirm some details. This
will really grind their gears and they will then go ahead and tell you that they never called you and that it
was a scammer. They will ask what the scammer asked for and then you will proceed to tell them that the
person who called asked for your security questions to confirm your identity and stop the fraud. You figured
it was authentic as they said they worked in the bank antifraud divison. At this point, your bank will assume
that you got se'd over the phone into giving out your security questions and will check their call recordings.
They will see that someone with a voice that it not yours called with your security questions to authorize
this large transaction.
#7. From here they should go ahead and do a dispute / fully refund you for the transaction. If they ask for
more info or not is dependent on how good your credit card is. For example, amex is an absolute pleasure
to work with, while chase just isn't as great. They may mention it was delivered to your address, in the case
they do, tell them you never received a thing. They will obviously put a freeze on your card and send you a
new one for this method too lol
Closing Information:
You can only do these methods so often with your credit card and will need to mix up the excuses every
time. My personal recommendation is that you do 1 of these unauthorized disputes per card, per year. Just
make sure you switch up the excuse a bit. I've personally done 4 disputes with 4 cards in 2022 and made a
swift and safe profit of ~$30,000. You just need to use your head and pawn off the goods quickly and
anonymously. If you want to make some extra nice bank, you can leverage your friends credit cards and if
you're unsure you can perform this method, I can always do this for you for a fee.
This is serious fucking gold and will patch if kids keep using the same excuse, so PLEASE be
creative. SE is all about having a brain, not using some prewritten method!

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