Book - Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition | General Hacking | Crax

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Book - Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition

Book - Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition



Oct 22, 2023
The book "Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters", 2nd Edition written by Justin Seitz and Tim Arnold was released in 2021. It was evolved from its earlier version (from 2015) to be usable with Python 3 along with few other improvements to keep the book up to date. This book is a highly recommended python book among hacking and pentesting circles. It is about 217 pages, short enough for an aspiring ethical hacker to read through without getting distracted.

A detailed description about this 2nd edition from the publisher's website -
"When it comes to creating powerful and effective hacking tools, Python is the language of choice for most security analysts. In this second edition of the bestselling Black Hat Python, you’ll explore the darker side of Python’s capabilities: everything from writing network sniffers, stealing email credentials, and bruteforcing directories to crafting mutation fuzzers, investigating virtual machines, and creating stealthy trojans.
All of the code in this edition has been updated to Python 3.x. You’ll also find new coverage of bit shifting, code hygiene, and offensive forensics with the Volatility Framework as well as expanded explanations of the Python libraries ctypes, struct, lxml, and BeautifulSoup, and offensive hacking strategies like splitting bytes, leveraging computer vision libraries, and scraping websites.

You’ll learn how to:
  • Create a trojan command-and-control server using GitHub
  • Detect sandboxing and automate common malware tasks like keylogging and screenshotting
  • Extend the Burp Suite web-hacking tool
  • Escalate Windows privileges with creative process control
  • Use offensive memory forensics tricks to retrieve password hashes and find vulnerabilities on a virtual machine
  • Abuse Windows COM automation
  • Exfiltrate data from a network undetected
When it comes to offensive security, you need to be able to create powerful tools on the fly. Learn how with Black Hat Python." (source:

Note: As mentioned in the book, you can download code and other resources for the book from the publisher's website

The PDF version of the book can be downloaded for free from Downloading requires you to follow 2-3 steps although simple. I am mentioning them below so that you can just follow the steps and download the book hassle-free.
Downloading steps:
1. Click the above link and select Download option as shown below -
Img 1

2. A new tab will open. On the new tab, click 'Download PDF' as shown below -
Img 2

3. A third and final tab opens. By clicking 'download' there, you can download the book to your computer -
Img 3

Further info: Just in case you like videos, the below youtube link has the video of David Bombal's interview with the authors of this book where they have some interesting and informative discussion about the book and python and hacking in general.

Hope it helps! Happy reading and learning!

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