What is Kibo Code Quantum? An Overview

Kibo Code Quantum is a comprehensive training program and system that helps anyone learn about the eCommerce platform and how to make it an effective income source.

The internet marketing experts worldwide are looking forward to the latest Kibo Code program that promises prospective opportunities for anyone to tackle the eCommerce business’s challenges. The 2020 version of the Kibo Code had already won the hearts of internet marketers and business wizards. If I put it more clearly, the training program focuses on helping people make money online easily.

The program was developed by two of the digital marketing and eCommerce geeks Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton. The first version of the program aimed to help aspiring online-entrepreneurs build successful online stores with a lucrative business model. To put it straighter, it can be defined as a training course to teach you how to make money easily through online business. The main perk of the program is a unique lesson on attracting potential traffic to your online business.

While the first version was a huge success, giving life to thousands and hundreds of new successful online entrepreneurs, the creators call the new Kibo Code an upgraded version. They do not prefer it to call as a reboot or relaunch, as the new Kibo Code Quantum 2021 would be an entirely afresh program. I do not need any more reasons to join the Kobo Code Quantum 2021. Aidan and Steve have put much effort and time into studying all their previous product possibilities to ensure the best this time.

They say that its first version’s success has helped and inspired them to identify the pitfalls and resolve them satisfactorily. The new business model will run with software help, which the creators have made spending huge money and efforts. The new Kibo Code would be a well-packed wisdom treat to the users!

What is inside the course? Kibo Code Quantum course module expectations:

The creators left us with only a few hints regarding the course modules, keeping us all on pins and needles. At present, nobody other than the creators do have much clue about the Kibo Code Quantum modules. We could do the only thing to look forward to a better, or even the best version of the previous one. For those who haven’t been to the first version, I can give you an idea about the modules contained in the 8-week long program.

The seven modules of the Kibo Code are intended to give hands-on training in successfully running an eCommerce business. All the modules are conceptualized to provide you step-by-step guidance in setting up and streamline your eCommerce store. Let me give you an idea about the seven modules on Kibo Code:

  • Module 1- Central intelligence: The first module of the program focused on giving an abstract idea of the entire Kibo Code system. It can even be called an introduction to eCommerce.
  • Module 2- Storestorm: It can be considered one of the most significant parts of the Kibo Code system. Storstorm application was later defined as a ‘super-app’ by the experts, allowing anyone to build an eCommerce store within 60 minutes!Module 3- Hand-picked products: In the module, I could learn a few products that helped streamline my business success.
  • Module 3- Hand-picked products: In the module, I could learn a few products that helped streamline my business success.
  • Module 4- Profit vault: This is the turning point, where you get access to some of the best products from the Kibo Code secret repository.
  • Module 5- Traffic black box: For those who were unaware about how to bring visitors that can turn into leads to their online store, this one module might have been a real boon!
  • Module 6- Oracle X: Product search and bidding were challenging for most people like me, which was addressed well through this module.
  • Module 7- Kibo Academy: The 24/7 support system run by a team of experts called the Kibo Academy helped me get through all the doubts promptly.
The module listing might have now given you a much clear idea of the Kibo Code program. However, we cannot assume that the Kibo Code Quantum would be following the same modules or lessons as the creators have already mentioned about the new changes incorporated.

They have already made it clear that the latest version will be an all-new experience, touching almost every key area of the eCommerce business. It would be an enlightening session for both newbies and veterans that help them explore all the possibilities of the eCommerce business.

To get a clear idea about the Kibo Code Quantum 2021, it would be better to attend the free pre-launch webinar session 1 rather than relying on fake reviews and claims. The Kibo Code Quantum training session will be aired LIVE, so there’s no chance that anyone could get it to experience before the launch. If you are curious to know how the latest version of Kibo Code will look like, join the pre-launch webinar on 20th January 2021.

How does the Kibo Code Quantum work?

To be precise, you can expect an expert-level mentorship from the digital marketing gurus Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton through the Kibo Code Quantum online training program. Those who join will get first-hand training experience on running an eCommerce store on their own.

While the sessions and modules might differ, the new version might follow the same structure as the older version of the Kibo Code program. If you haven’t been into the Kibo Code program, here’s how it works:

  • With the help of certain tools provided in the program, you will have to purchase a premium generic domain for your eCommerce store.
  • There will be preloaded store themes and things to help you with setting up the store in the new domain.
  • You will then have to add whatever products you would like to sell through the store.
  • You will be assisted well to generate unique traffic to your newly set up eCommerce store. From this, you will be able to learn some incredible traffic generation methods and techniques straight from the experts.
  • Once there is a sale, you will be assisted by a US-based supplier to deliver the product to the customer.
  • As a final step, you will be directed to eliminate the products that aren’t profitable and optimize the website for business betterment.
You might be thinking that there is a lot to do even with the help of Kibo Code training. However, I could attest that all these processes took only around one or two days to complete. Though these are just the basic procedures, on the whole, the program makes it easy for you to set up eCommerce and run your own business.

The previous version of the Kibo Code program had 8 weekly training sessions along with additional training sessions as a bonus. There were many other exciting bonuses like access to the training area, latest member updates, help and 24/7 service from the support desk, members-only tools, software, and other tools. I anticipate more exciting things to be offered in the Kibo Code Quantum 2021 program.