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Sep 18, 2023
I am revealing a step-by-step tutorial on how to start a youtube channel and how complete beginners are making 100 to 700 a day literally on day one with no experience.

So when people get started in for example youtube it's very kind of like a crazy uphill battle because they literally see this okay like it says oh grow with youtube and as a youtube partner you'll be eligible to earn money from youtube videos get creative support and more but you need a thousand subscribers and 4000 hours required right and that is very disheartening because it's literally like you you have to go ahead and grind for that out and for many people it prevents people from actually going ahead and get started right but what if it was actually possible to circumnavigate all this and actually start a youtube channel that literally makes money on day one meaning you don't actually have to wait for for example 1000 required subscribers nor do you actually have to go ahead and wait for 4000 required public hours nor do you actually have to even show your face on camera nor do you have to create like hundreds of videos that no one will ever watch in fact all you need is one because here's the thing there's literally people in our community that start youtube channels and make money on day one like for example dina at age 47 years old never showing your face on camera and yet within five to eight weeks was literally going able to go from zero to 30 grand a month.

Here's exactly an example of it happening here is a youtube channel with no subscribers and yet no content right but yet they literally have one video that's three minutes long that they never show their face on camera that they started a new youtube channel on but yet this one video has literally pulled in 25 million dollars or 25 million views not dollars without being saying 25 million views to a product that's like not their own and look at this no subscribers and it's an unlisted video so how were they able to go ahead and do this and like i said you could do both you could literally go ahead and start your own youtube channel but one of the downsides when you go ahead and do this is and this is just like obvious right youtube is a business okay and the only reason why youtube would show your video to more people is if they make money.

Now think about this every youtuber will tell you this is the moment they're able to go ahead and monetize it right. Youtube for some reason just gives you more and more and more traffic like oh this guy is like not monetized because we can now run ads on this channel we should go ahead and for example get more traffic and more videos and more views to this person right so it's kind of like a catch 22 chicken before the egg type of thing you could actually make money with youtube.

You have to first kind of like literally grind your way up to here right but what if there's a way that you could actually go ahead and circumnavigate that by literally getting views and subscribers for free by just like running ads because you let customers pay for the acquisition does that make sense so are people going in and do this because when you get 25 million views on a three minute video that literally starts adding up your watch hours like crazy okay and it literally brings a lot of subscribers to maybe a brand new youtube channel where you can really go ahead and start making money on day one without actually having to wait for a thousand you know subscribers nor do you have to wait for 4 000 watch hours so what are these people doing to go ahead and jump starting their youtube channels without actually having their own product or showing their face on camera well it's very simple they're using business and e-commerce to go ahead and fund it right we're essentially they're literally creating a process where for every one dollar that they spend of their customers money so not their own it literally turns into three dollars because they're selling a product in the back end now if you really think about it if you create a new youtube channel and you create this process where for every one dollar that you spend for for example in youtube ads that literally gets you the subscribers and the views for free but then you also get views and subscribers for free but you also make three dollars how many times would you go ahead and spend it back on for example something like youtube ads do you see how people are able to scale like crazy because even though they might not have a big budget one dollar could easily turn into three dollars but then you take the three dollars and then you spend it on for example youtube ads and then you make ten dollars you then take the ten dollars that's not your own money it's the customer's money you take that and then you spend it on ads.

Then you make thirty dollars and that's how likely people with small budgets even like for example francisco from chile was able to go from zero to 30 grand a month with this method and building youtube channels on the side without having to worry about waiting for 4000 you know watch hours or a thousand you know for example subscribers does that make sense now once you actually understand the mentality and understanding that you don't actually need a big budget it's very simple all you got to do then is find a bunch of unhappy people on youtube right either in health wealth or love you create one simple three minute video right you don't have to show your face on camera and we're going to show you exactly how you can get robots to go ahead and do this to really jumpstart your views as well as for example your subscriber count and that essentially turns into money that you go ahead and just use that to go ahead and spend to go ahead and find more people that would go ahead and buy this product right so are people going to do this where is the money coming from so where money coming from is literally clickbank because clickbank is free to get started and there's so many different products in so many different niches like business and health and fitness and languages and parenting and spirituality and as you can see some of these products people are selling you know for example on youtube where you could see 1200 people have made money with this in the past 30 days and it's dietary supplements in weight loss where someone else does the shipping the handling and the customer service without you spending a single dollar on inventory or you know hiring a team essentially you can sign up for clickbank for free promote this product and get 156 dollars per commission. The reason why i love clickbank is it's one of the ways that i literally did back in the day they got me from zero to eight grand in 30 days without me having to do all the logistics and the complicated stuff in the back end right all i have to do is focus on the marketing aspect of things right now the moment you understand that that's literally where this money comes from that's where the three dollars comes from that you use to go ahead and for example buy more media and advertisements that you don't have to spend a single dollar on because the customers spend it for you when you get these commissions now the next step that you got to think about is where you're going to go ahead and find them well obviously you're watching this on a youtube channel so why don't we just talk about youtube because that's how people make money on youtube.

By starting a youtube channel where they find people that have a pain point that then they sell you know product services or advertisements to to then go ahead and make money to solve that pain point because where business comes from and where money is generated is an exchange of value right and value is in exchange of someone having a problem and you creating or finding the solution for that problem does that make sense so the moment you go and do that with the youtube channel that you can literally go ahead and do for free the next step that you got to do is find a video that you could go ahead and create an ad that would essentially go ahead and sell this product so how can you go ahead and do that right you can only go ahead and do that whenever you see a youtube ad that catches your attention you can literally stop that ad by right clicking on it right here's like a youtube video that we found stats for nerds and you literally see this thing right here this thing right here is the exact same link as whatever is after this equal sign so you can literally take any equal sign and then add this link and you'll have the url to that ad now here's the craziest thing with this three minute video robots created it for these people so they didn't even have to show their face on camera let me just play this right here if you wear glasses or contacts you must see this so check this out literally it's a robot voice they don't show their face on camera it's just a bunch of text and it got 25 million views right for a channel. That doesn't have any content okay now that is very easily able to like hit all of these like stats for these people right now the moment people go ahead and do this now you got to think about okay well then how would i go ahead and create this for myself well it's very simple all you gotta do is click on play whenever you find ads just like this and then write out all this words that they go ahead and use right and when you go ahead and do that right you will see that you are gonna realize that a lot of these things that they talk about is essentially kind of like very similar to what normal people would go ahead and run ads on so let me just click on play must see this a japanese nobel say i wanted to go ahead and for example sell a product on clickbank and say it's like for example this expire thing all i would do is click on this right here right and pop it up and they'll give you a bunch of email swipes now these email swipes are great because it's literally somebody who's hired people to go ahead and for example you know create these that are proven to make a sale and what people are doing is they're just plugging and playing the words that are on here with the text that they found in one of these winning robot ads which they're very easy to find just watch a bunch of youtube videos. You'll eventually find them right and then right click on it grab the stats for nerds and grab the link now notice this this one says a japanese nobel prize winning scientist in stem cell research if i wrote all the text on like a google docs i would just come to here and just replace that with oh researchers from carolina instituted in sweden found something amazing it's the exact same words that they're using here but just with different words does that make sense and what i would do is i'll take these entire texts of this three minute video and just replace it with other words that i find you know in the emails that they literally paid someone a lot of money to go ahead and create to go ahead and make a sale does that make sense and the moment you go ahead and do that you have a text that's specific for specific product on clickbank you can then take that text upload it to lobo and then it creates a robot voice for you so now you have a text and a robot voice the next thing that you need is someone to go ahead and create this simple video for you so you can literally go to in video dot io click on text to video upload the text as well as the audio that's a robot voice into this and it literally shows you know if it says like woman dancing in the text they will pick a video of a woman dancing in the back end and it will just edit in the back end so you don't even have to be a video editor or creative to do that because there's literally ai technology and software that will literally go ahead and do this for you like right here that i've shown you right and this is the beauty of it because literally people are literally going from zero to 30 grand a month in five to eight weeks even as stay-at-home moms at age 47 years old or as immigrants or even at the age of 58 years old never showing their face on camera even in third world countries like for example francisco from chile where the average income is 500 a month.

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