[Download] Node.js Certification Training For Free | Courses | Crax

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[Download] Node.js Certification Training For Free

[Download] Node.js Certification Training For Free



Oct 9, 2023

Node.js Certification Training Download For Free


Master Node.js from scratch and become a Full Stack Web Developer (MERN and MEAN stacks). Integrate Node.js with MongoDB

What you’ll learn
Complete knowledge of NodeJS technology
Become Full Stack Web Developers - MEAN and MERN stacks
Introduction to Node JS and Installing Node JS
Var Hoisting and Functional Scope
let and const, let vs const
Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
Default Parameters, Rest Operator and Spread Operator
String Templates
JavaScript Modules Export and Import
for. of loop
Objects and Object Literals
Destructuring Arrays and Objects
Global Objects, Exporting Classes and Functions, Promises
NodeJS Modules, Module Patterns, Shared Memory Modules
Node Package Manager (npm), Installing and uninstalling modules
How to generate package json using npm
NodeJS Events, File System, Inspector, URL Module
Installing Nodemon, Client and Server, Create a Server
Streams and Buffers, Pipes
Serving HTML Pages, Serving JSON Data, Routing in Node JS
Node Js Uploading Files
Sending Emails in Node JS
Node JS With MongoDB Database and MongoDB Cloud
NodeJS with MySQL

Enthusiasm and determination to make your mark on the world!

NODE.js - Course Syllabus
Introduction to Node.js
Installing Node JS
Var Hoisting and Functional Scope
let and const, let vs const
Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
Default Parameters, Rest Operator and Spread Operator
String Templates
Java Script Modules Export and Import
for. of loop
Objects and Object Literals
Destructuring Arrays and Objects
Global Objects
Exporting Classes and Functions
Node.js Modules, Module Patterns, Shared Memory Modules
Node Package Manager (npm)
Installing and uninstalling modules
How to generate package.json using npm
Node.js Events
Node.js File System
Node Inspector
Node.js URL Module
Installing Nodemon
Client and Server
Creating a Server
Streams and Buffers
Serving HTML Pages
Serving JSON Data
Routing in Node.js
Node.Js Uploading Files
Sending Emails in Node.js
Node.js With MongoDB Database
Connecting to MongoDB
Creating Database
Creating Collections and Dropping Collections
Saving Data
Selecting Data
Deleting Data
Updating Data
Querying Data
Sorting Data
34. Node.js with Mongo DB Cloud
35. Node.js with MySQL

Who this course is for:
Full Stack Developers
NodeJS Developers
Senior Developers - React, Node
Beginners and newbies aspiring for a career in Web Development
Node/JavaScript Developers
Application Developers
Software Engineers & Programmers
Anyone wishing to learn Node JS and Express JS
Frontend Developers - JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS
Solution Architects & Technical Architects
Engineering Managers
IT Developers & App Programmers


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